Seriously every game I've played tonight, the host has found a way to INSTANTLY end the game after a loss. It instantly says 'Unable to migrate host'. Really its stupid because we still get a rewards toward our progressing protags. Take a loss and live with it!
lol, the only reason anyone quits is because they are butthurt and ragequitting. It couldn't possibly be because they need to get dinner or live their life.
I could get that for random drops, but quitting the second you lose doesn't sound like "I'm living my life." When I know I'm host, I have the courtesy to wait until the lobby screen to make sure. Of course, I'm a nerd, so....
Exactly. Narrow minded gamers crack me up. What is the difference if the host leaves during the stat screen, or in the waiting lobby? You still need to find a new host regardless.
Yeah, really... at least a good old fashioned rage quit happens during game play and if it's the host, you get an attempt at migration. The prevalence of host quitting in the lobby has to make you think they're doing it on purpose out of vindictiveness.
Someone should do a study on dinner being ready when someone is about to lose because the correlation between the two is amazing.
Well when I have dinner done I do one of two things. Shut my Xbox off right then and there or wait till the match is over to shut it down. Whether my team was winning or losing. Does it really matter why they quit? I mean is there a reason to know why? Will it help you except that the room is no longer open? Wow big deal the host quit and I lost all my stats for that match /life
I agree with this. Also after the game is over and we haven't got back to the lobby quit yet I might quit because it takes to long to get all the way out and I am ready to do something else.
I don't really get all the rage over rage-quitting. I know I'm not going to stick around long in a game where, for instance, everyone else has left because the match went badly. Why should I have to stay and get spanked because a party of 99s decided to go pub-rolling? If we were talking about organized play, that'd be a different matter. But no one need feel guilt for quitting from a quickmatch the very instant they're no longer having fun.
Yeah, but that was the point of the original post. People aren't quitting the instant they are no longer having fun. The original poster is complaining that people are waiting until the lobby after the game and quitting there. If they quit the instant they aren't having fun, we at least get a chance at host migration.
When i leave, i usually drop when the game ends (and not wait for the lobby). But since i have no idea if i am a host....can i even be a host when the game says my NAT = strict or something.
When a host quits, you go through an extremely *****y host migration process. It's tedious and bug laden. I spend most of my time playing with bdcjacko and KnightAzrael, two level 70-somethings (Unless one of them has leveled up) and we still get a lot of rage quits. Why the rage? Because we'll get into loops where we spend an hour trying to complete ONE game, due to ragequits and host migration issues. I hope you can see why people would get mad when they want to, you know, play the game. No "rolling" involved in our case, unless "rolling" simply means winning these days. Because we do tend to be on the winning team, we just don't dominate. And I'm not the kind of douche to call myself elite, a pro, or a competitive gamer. I just want to play. I play with randoms. I play with guys I don't really know from this site. I don't give a damn about organised play (though if we could swing six on six private matches from this site, it'd be funny). I also like having cash and leveling up and getting protags, things which host quits tend to deprive me of. I hope that's not hard to understand either.