Feeling a bit melancholy today. Having a hard time logging in to my Facebook, my card castle fell over last night, I stepped into a litter box on my way to the bathroom this morning, and to top it all off, it's not my birthday. FML
Mmmm... Waffles with tripleberry syrup, a cup of coffee, and three strips of turkey bacon. Now I ask you, does life get any better than that?
Answer: Yes! Yes it does! Turn on the ol' Sirius radio and suddenly, "To the extreme, I rock a mic like a vandal. Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle!" Today is going to be bitchin'.
If only turntables was still around... he'd give you mad street cred and throw down some serious cuts to that track. heard he has two of v ice's albums, that way he can trick mix it.
old mix and new mix? Its sad how he stole the beat from queen and added one extra bass beat and then took someone elses lyrics to make himself big. His 2nd biggest hit was on tmnt 2 go ninja go.. Rest of his career is failure