Hello guys. New to the forum, here. I also just had the glorious experience of playing the beta for the first time, recently (hell yes!). As a Kickstarter backer, and a long time fan of TA and SupCom, I am very pleased with how such an ambitious project is coming along. I really look forward to its release. I understand it's just Beta and it's no where near perfect. I expect the developers to deliver on every goal that was met during the early pledges of support for the project (and likely exceed them). However, what I'd really like to ask is if the developers planned to keep improving on their masterpiece post release, or will there just be a few patches here and there and leaving what the developers left out to the modding community to improve upon? My wish would be to see this game be supported kind of like Minecraft, where the developers constantly update the game with more and more features (even if they are too difficult right now to figure out) to make the game even more awesome. I'm sure the developers probably want to move on to other cool projects afterwards, but I see too many games these days just being pushed out after trying meet certain deadlines and then abandoned after release. Not that I'd expect that to happen with PA, but I just want to know if the developers will commit to making this game as close to perfect as possible, even if it's far from that goal at release date? Because, this game has so much potential to be the best ever, it's ridiculous..
I would almost swear that was stated to be their plan somewhere. I searched the kickstarter and livestreams and didn't find a quote. Wait, i do remember them saying they would support the moding community and possibly even have a mods database (uber foundry?) to officially support mods. So if i remember that correctly, and try to search for Uber Foundry in forums search, they will support it post release like tf2, where they synergize with modders as well as release new content. Probably without the hats.
Ninja'd by Trophy. Actually they want to support game, but as well they want to cooperate with modding community to improve the game. Check this interview for more details: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/new-video-interview-with-jon-mavor-bob-berry.51191/
This comes up somewhat often in live streams(Try using this, although it's not usually a response to this question specifically) but it basically comes down to that they will support it as long as it's feasible and there is interest. The basic idea from what I've seen is to create a quality game, sell it to as many people as possible but instead of putting those profits away for the next project Uber seems to intent to roll as much as possible back into the game. They've even been already doing it. For example now Uber is able to do a Retail release by working with Nordic Games, this isn't something that would have been feasible with just the KS funding but was made possible because instead of 'only' delivering on promises made during the KS campaign they've been able to use the money they've generated with Pre-Orders and Steam Early Access to improve the game in many ways. The nice thing is that without a Publisher doing patches has less cost and far less red tape to deal with so post release Uber is going to be capable of doing patches when ever they feel like really based on what they feel is best for the game itself, not what a publisher thinks is best for the bottom line. Mike
Presumably they will keep adding features for as long as they don't mind sinking money into the project. I.E. as long as people are still buying it. Hopefully, if it is succesful, this will be for some time! I wouldn't mind having a game that matches all of the Kickstarter goals, and then any extra stuff could be provided by modders, perhaps even officially "Uber-Endorsed" ones.