Hi, Since the last patch, I have not been able to play a whole game without a crash. I just played one today against the A.I, and had a nice base built within 20 minutes and the game just froze, I actually heard some strange beeping in the background this time which was the first. Anyway, I'd just like to know when I'll be able to play again, because I've started about 10-15 games since the patch and every one of them have crashed. Also seeing some weird bugs but I don't care about them, just the crashes.
no, no idea, ive been waiting since alpha for preformence improvements so i can play. welcome to a beta
Thanks but I've been here since the start of alpha and this is the first time i've had problems! Since the last patch, I've not been able to play a full game at all, not due to performance, but due to a crash.
Since last patch my game never has been so smooth and never loaded so fast. So no it's definitely gone uphill for me
Performance and crashes have greatly improved. My suggestion would be to Uninstall and re-install, Check drivers to ensure you are up to date. If you are running the game through steam, uninstall and download the client from the uberent store to avoid playing through Steam.
Im pretty sure my problems are related to my PC as I have AMD CPU and GPU. See my other thread describing the same issue. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/started-a-few-games-lately-and-had-crashes-every-time.53060/
well the game's been going uphill in terms of responsiveness and in-game laggyness but downhill in terms of how many games end in "connection to server lost" is this what you mean by crashes? in any case Uber, time to buy new servers no?
The game has been getting more and more responsive, yes. It performs pretty good at the mo. But I get this crash on every game. I've never even seen the message "connection to server lost" I usually get PA.exe has stopped responding. Im on AMD 8350 @ 4.5 Ghz, AMD 7970 BE, 16 GB Hyper X 1866 Mhz RAM and an 256 GB OCZ SSD..
oh then you have hardware and/or software issues. time to consider OS reinstallation, maybe even OS change while you're at it. and do a memcheck, a prime95, and maybe 3Dmark for gpu. see if that also crashes. ...yeah just finished reading... did you ever try without all that OCing right and left? the game is unoptimized remember. You've got the best method there to weed out all the bugs.
Thanks for the tips dude. But no. Re-installed not too long ago, and why would I want to change from win 7 x64?? 3Dmark is fine, as well as Catzilla and Unigine. Prime95 is fine with my clocks test pretty much every week for an hour. And to be honest, I like how stable my PC is on every game I play, including bf3 and crysis, and many other titles including some early access titles and titles that are still in very early development. As stated earlier, Ive never had any real problems playing PA since the start of early alpha, just since the last patch it has crashed everytime! And yes, the game has been getting better FPS as it gets on in development, I don't usually get crashes, but since the last patch its all i get. Thanks anyway man..
lol you test it for an hour. ok here's what you do : do In-Place Large FTT, or blend for a whole day... then if none of the cores droped, it's stable. also ... uhmmmm... yea let's just drop it. if reinstalling window's a pain for you though it says something....
Yeah I think we should, a whole day.... Don't be stupid. Win 7 x64 is fine for ALL the games I play, Don't even start with win 8....
bradaz85, can you please upload your dxdiag, log, and crash dump. So we could figure out what's going on.
He did it already in other topic: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/started-a-few-games-lately-and-had-crashes-every-time.53060/ I can't find anything especial in it, actually he have driver crash (or related to driver), so I doubt anything can be done at moment.
There is no noticable gaming difference between win7 and win8. You can only see very small differences in benchmarks. 64 bit would make a difference but you are already using that. So unless your OS is bugged/corrupted dont reinstal. 1 hour prime test is good enough. 1 day long test is crazy so dont listen to tatsujb. It would be worth testing however if PA runs without crashing if you run on stock frequency. Suppose this is not a hard thing to do.
I agree. I will give it a shot anyway. Continuing this discussion here : https://forums.uberent.com/threads/started-a-few-games-lately-and-had-crashes-every-time.53060/