Build Queue - Power is now ignored if a factory is placed after

Discussion in 'Support!' started by tanepiper, April 18, 2014.

  1. tanepiper

    tanepiper New Member

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    Sorry I'm posting this on a different computer to where I play PA but I noticed last night in the current build a bug with my build queues.

    For example I might to this as my opening build queue:

    2 x Mex
    1 x Power
    1 x Bot Factory

    What happens is the 2 x Mex gets build, then all of a sudden the command will go a build the bot factory instead of the power, and in fact the power no longer shows up on Caps Lock build queue.

    I actually did record this behaviour last night on my twitch steam is seems:
  2. greysuit

    greysuit New Member

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    This is caused due to the current sensitivity of building placement. The build placement for your energy was likely invalid, though it wouldn't have appeared so, and therefore your commander just moved on to the next item in the build queue.

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