Build 67342 & The Changes

Discussion in 'Support!' started by cellbone, June 16, 2014.

  1. cellbone

    cellbone Member

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    Hey Forum,

    I think by now everyone has seen the changes in the new build, but my question was whether any additional or small changes went through that weren't mentioned in the patch notes.

    Or are the only changes in the new build the ones listed? I only ask because no changes to combat fabbers were mentioned, but they were changed. I was wondering if this is true with anything else, and if so, how could I find out this information without the use of community forum boards? haha

    Thanks in advance for all the help my good people,

  2. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Conversion to SDL for OS X fullscreen also impacted some keyboard keys, and may have had other effects. Settings system overhaul, so reset may be required. Extracted scenes are supposed to reduce input lag, but some people have been reporting more. Last two items making life interesting for modders.

    Track down the PTE threads in the Support forum. I was commenting on many of the code changes as the came through, and others were discussing observed differences.
  3. cellbone

    cellbone Member

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    Alright man, will do! Thanks for the info.

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