Build: 59549 basic thoughts and comments

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by zack1028, January 17, 2014.

  1. zack1028

    zack1028 Member

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    So played and 1 1/2 hour game against an AI and just wanted to post some thoughts on it and see what other people think:​

    First thing is here are some of the major "small" changes I had to get use to:​

    The solar array only produces 4000 power now.... which is kind of nice because its cost was refused quite a bit, so it is like a in between power source, between the t1 and t2 power.

    The biggest change that was really really hard to get use to was the advanced satellite. It doesn't show everything on the planet now and it doesn't even show everything in a limited range. I would think of it as a very basic version of the "old" basic satellite. It had a range of, I guess around 1000 (maybe that) and only shows the dots (just like the basic satellite). Also I think that its cost was reduced.
    As a comment on the satellite, I don't like this change. It is very hard to find someones base on a large planet because the satellite moves so slow and you could sent some orbital fabs over to build a teleporter and send units in, but to be I'd like to get a good over view of the planet as to were the best spot to build is. I just found myself frustrated at it and didn't build it anymore.
    (I could expand on my thoughts on this issues, but would take quite a while to type. Might do it later)

    I noticed that the power plants only build in strait lines not squares. Is their a key you hold down to have them build in squares or is has that been removed? If they only build in strait lines now.... please make it so they can do both. I like it in squares better, it's faster!!!!!

    I really love the teleporter. This a great feature!!!!!! (there's nothing more to say here!!!)

    Patrol has a few bug in it, but works very well and I use it a lot!!!!!!

    Concerning the whole new orbital I love having the fab's up there. They are way more efficient and a lot easier to mange, but I really think that in the future it needs to be broken down just like all air, ground and sea..... t1 and t2!!! Personally I think that the launcher need to only be able to build the orbital fab, the astreus and the defense satellite. Then have everything broken down into t1 and t2 up above..... just a thought...

    Right now this all I can think of that stuck out to me, but might add more as I play around.

    Also great job on this build. This really really changed the way you play the game and I think really brought multi-planet play more into the center of the game!!!!!​

    Would love to hear peoples thoughts on the build, especially the satellite issue. Please post below!!!!!


    (tehtrekd, fixed it for you)
    Last edited: January 17, 2014
    iron420, drz1 and stormingkiwi like this.
  2. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    Grammar Tip: ellipses (...) and periods(.) are not the same thing and should not be treated as such.
    Sorry, it just bugs me.
    As far as the new build goes, I haven't played it yet and won't until Sunday :( Can't wait to though, it sounds awesome!
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  3. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Satellite issue is horrific, I preferred the old way too. Just the ungodly amount of vision on the advanced was ridiculous.

    I recently had a game where I had to build two basic orbital radars to cover most of the whole planet, and then another two to cover the equator.

    I think the basic orbital radar, and the range it had, was fine. I also think the pacing it had was ok too.

    I think the advanced orbital radar was just a bad idea to have that ungodly amount of vision

    If you paid attention to the circle build, it wasn't actually faster.

    Firstly, units built from the outside in and trapped themselves in the centre.

    Secondly units would build in lines anyway.

    It is however faster to fill an area with circle. I hope we will have the toggle option later.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  4. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    Two words: Network Lag.


    I LOVE it other than that.
    iron420 likes this.
  5. LeadfootSlim

    LeadfootSlim Well-Known Member

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    Truth be told, vision radar in some form seems like a necessity to me. Otherwise there's nothing in orbital worth fighting over. That, and a global - or at least hemispherical - non-vision radar would be good for finding enemies on planets. As is it's impossible.
    blacksword13 likes this.
  6. RoboticPrism

    RoboticPrism New Member

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    I like the repricing on orbital, making it easier to get earlier. Everything really seems to have been changed economically for the better. As for the shorter advanced satellite, I for one like this addition. I have yet to get that dual commander nuke because my enemies can't see the entire planet anymore. Overall, I'm incredibly satisfied with this build. If this is only the beta, I can't even imagine the full game.
  7. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    i was ready for new units but the game pace has gone through the roof, not to mention new toys like the flame tank dont even work, and only fire at whats directly in front of them. satellites seem to just sit in place when issued a move order. what is the defense sat anyways?? my list of complaints is only growing.....

    bitching removed, falling in love again, all over, wish flame tanks worked tho
    Last edited: January 17, 2014
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  8. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Yep. If the T1 spam doesn't kill you...

    I haven't seen the flame tank do damage to anything yet.

    The defence sat doesn't move. That's why it is called an anchor. It appears to be present so that fighters can't camp your launcher. Presumably it is quite tough and does good damage.
  9. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    game pace really is fast but starting to like
    Last edited: January 17, 2014
  10. Chemdude8

    Chemdude8 New Member

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    Anyone else causing server crashes pretty often?
  11. vackillers

    vackillers Well-Known Member

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    Orbital fighting is actually quite important because of the solar arrays. If you can take someones energy out, you can literately cripple their base very quickly because they'll be dependent on those and build less ground power gens. garat found this out the hard way in the last livestream test.
  12. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    The power plant area build is still adjustable, as it has always been. You go into the live.js, or download it via Raevn's Mod Manager, and you can change it from lines to squares at will with a bit of effort.

    I think it was changed because everyone said they prefered lines, and my arguement for lines is they are usually easier to spread out and defend. Build a line of 3 here, 3 there, and you lose no more than a handful when nuked.

    I think the radar was overnerfed. I do NOT want it to go back the way it was. I think you should have two semi-expensive radar sattelites, the basic one covers a 3rd a large planet or a whole radius 200 and it only shows dots, while the advanced one shows maybe a scout's range of vision but shows legitimate vision. A sattelite with any ground vision ability is still an ace in my opinion. Usage of both would allow you to probe for vision, but it would be soothsayer vision instead of godvision and it would be a little more earned.
    Best unit of patch, in my opinion. Most useful out of roles. 10/10. Reason why? You can't necesarily spam area out of them because each one cost so much but the literal location costs the value of an orbital launcher (which may I add also adds the value of building more orbital launchers now). This gives an area game to orbital combat for the first time in my opinion, instead of amass and shutout. Hell, to re-secure lost orbital, they should make it deployed as it comes into orbital layer so it shoots very first thing possibly even before other targets can aquire it to return fire, because it should be an easier to fight area right above your orbital launcher and this does it right, it really does it right so far, and brofist to Uber!
    Last edited: January 17, 2014
    carlorizzante and stormingkiwi like this.
  13. jodarklighter

    jodarklighter Active Member

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    Definitely agree that the advanced orbital radar nerf was a bit too severe.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  14. Teod

    Teod Well-Known Member

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    I was spending most of my time in planet generator rather than in actual game. The progress is nice. There are now generated slopes and cliffs in desert and lava biomes. And enterances into the metal planet big thrench are now sloped. Not sure if you can walk there... Also, found this:

    As for new units, gunships seem to be rather inaccurate:
    It was my extractor, but still, they haven't hit it a single time. Maybe it's something with where they aim and hitboxes...
  15. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    I played a game vs the AI and wow, big improvements there.

    As far as units not working, all I have to say to all you haters is: BETA, so deal with it.
  16. bluestrike01

    bluestrike01 Active Member

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    Haven't played the new patch yet but glad to hear the advanced radar does not see everything anymore :)
    I think a orbit radar should show icons for at least the visible side of the planet its on.
    So can't wait to check it out. I asume costs are also placed in propotion as you will need multiple radars :)
  17. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    You can walk there. I am on my phone, but check out the task I opened in the pa bug tracker (if you're not familiar, ctrl+f10). I posted a screen shot of units in a bug about floating terrain.

    Also units don't do friendly fire well. Check out Stompers friendly firing something. They seem to miss by default. I don't think it's really programmed in
  18. ledarsi

    ledarsi Post Master General

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    I really like the severity of the reduction of long-range radar. Despite the fact that we don't have new scout units, it still plays much better having to use units to scout, and making educated guesses about things you can't see.

    The flak is a nice addition, but lacks the range to actually protect much. I would have preferred a long-range SAM. But it makes a lot of sense to first build the short-range high-DPS anti-air and test it in an environment without long-range AA deterrents. Since if both are available the flak will almost never be operating in an environment that doesn't also have long-range deterrent support.
  19. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    The thing about the harsh severity of the nerf was that in most cases, scouting with units was better. Advanced orbital radar was an expensive triple factory, multiple fabber investment. The only games I bothered building it was to scout the planet the enemy had retreated to after I kicked them off the homeworld and to make sure I was truly alone on my own planet. It had immense strategic value, but you couldn't just throw it up willy nilly and unless there multiple planets, it didn't really support you much in the land war.

    It should be pointed out here that I often lost the tech war but won the T1 war, or won the tech war but lost the T1 war, and both resulted in an equal amount of wins/losses of the actual game.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  20. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    that one's been there a long while.

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