Bug with new circle drag feature

Discussion in 'Support!' started by xstahl, December 30, 2013.

  1. xstahl

    xstahl New Member

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    I just recently got this game and when I was playing I used the circle drag command to my fabricators to get metal.
    I was doing the circle command often then the problem appeared was that I kept making blue circles whenever I was selecting units or doing a shift command. It doesn't stop expanding or contracting with my mouse until I clicked on the surface but then it would just remain there indefinitely until I selected or shift command and it always originated from the same place.

    This problem made queuing commands impossible because every time I made a shift command the circle appears and the command I wanted to do doesn't register with my mouse click because it's no longer there because of the circle replacing it.

    I put my dxdiag in here too I don't know if it matters or not.

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  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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