Bug Report Beta Build 57703

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by core1989, November 29, 2013.

  1. core1989

    core1989 New Member

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    Hi all I don't know if there is an actual thread for bugs so here goes.

    When I play planetary annihilation whenever I click ready the game loads and eventually I get my economy pop up yet there is no commander for me or the AI also the planets are stuck and there is no orbit simulation.

    Things I have tried.

    I have tried different Commanders and different Systems and still get the same result.

    My graphics card drivers are the latest for AMD
    13.11 beta. Everything else goes fine.

    Things I will Try.
    Uninstalling and re downloading and re installing the game.

    Is anyone else out there having this problem?

    I have found the above only happens if i rush loading instead of waiting in the game Lobby for the planet indicator there to turn green.
    Last edited: November 29, 2013

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