Bug Linux : crash starting the game: libcurl

Discussion in 'Mac and Linux' started by mastorak, November 20, 2013.

  1. mastorak

    mastorak New Member

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    I just attempted to run the BETA in an Arch Linux 64bit box.
    The error it outputs trying to launch the game is
    ./PA: /usr/lib/libcurl.so.4: version `CURL_OPENSSL_3' not found (required by ./PA)
    I have both curl and lib32-curl installed (v 7.33). CURL_OPENSSL_3 refers to an older version of curl.
    Obviously I am not going to downgrade my installed libraries since this will likely cause dependency issues.
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Even if you don't want to activate PA though Steam you still can to install Steam and use it's runtime to run PA. As long as I know libcurl included here too.
  3. mastorak

    mastorak New Member

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    Thank you for your prompt reply.
    I got the beta version from my account's download link after receiving an email this morning. As far as I know I do not have a beta steam key and/or one has not been sent to me. Can you clarify? Should I have been sent a steam beta key or should it appear somewhere in my account?
    Even though I am planning to play this through steam, if the game does not require it explicitly, one should not need to install steam. Except if you are referring to the BETA version only, in which case, it is normal to have unmet dependencies here and there.
    Last edited: November 20, 2013
  4. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    If you want you can always convert Uber store key to Steam key:
    Click on key in list and then press "convert to Steam".
    Warning: this is one way operation.

    Also when you convert you key to Steam your current activation will be revoked.
    After you activate Steam key you'll need to visit this page:
    And link your UberNet and Steam accounts.

    This game officially support Ubuntu and it's derivatives. It's also should be fairly easy to run PA on Debian.

    If you want to run it on any other distribution you have to manage dependencies on your own. There just too many libraries required and Uber can't distribute game with all of them.
  5. mastorak

    mastorak New Member

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    Thank you for the information regarding the key.
    Choosing to officially support ubuntu is a company decision and since I was not promised support for my arch box I consider this fair game and understandable.
    However, (and I say this in the form of a suggestion and not angry-internet-man type of moaning) requiring an old version of a library that many modern distros don't provide is not such a good idea. It would make many users' life easier (without you having to officially support it) to be compatible with a more current version
  6. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Yep it's true, but there really tons of dependencies required. E.g Coherent deps list:
    And obviously this is just too much of deps to packs them with game.
  7. mastorak

    mastorak New Member

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    Thank you for the list. This will be useful for people trying to get it to run in any unsupported distros.
    Just to clarify: I am not suggesting to include those libraries in the game ofcourse. I am just suggesting that if you require external dependencies, then these should not be libraries that have been deprecated in many modern distros (such as the libcurl version 7.23, with the modern one being 7.33).
  8. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    First I'm not developer of this game, devs have bold red nicknames. ;)

    Uber can't control all deps because they don't have source code of Coherent and even if they had it they still can't change many deps because Coherent based on Chromium code base which is pretty large.

    Also PA works perfectly (without installation of any libraries) on Lubuntu 13.10 which have libcurl 7.32. Error you see easily might be related to how your maintainer built libcurl.
  9. mastorak

    mastorak New Member

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    I understand. Thank you for your effort and the information.
  10. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Moved to Mac & Linux forum :)

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