Hello.. Just got the game, and have years of exp. playing Supcom + other RTS games. Game looks ok to be a very very early version, but there is a problem that needs fixing pretty soon: Pressing the - button to reduce gamespees gives yoy a meny similar to those when plaing off a video at Youtube. But it dont seem to work, and after pressing - the game starts to malfuncion. The game goes on, the enemy AI is attacking, but I cannot move my units and I cant get anything bulid. Possible it is I that is doing something wrong, so if I am an idiot, please ecxuse me.. :lol:
This is something we'll have to wait on Uber for. SIM speed is entirely dependent on the engine, we are incapable of even coming close to modifying it as the little hackers we are.
The control you see is the chronocam - it allows you to reverse and slow down/speed up time to view past events. You can't issue commands or alter the past though, which is why it is not working for you. Press the X or 'End' key to exit chronocam mode. Moved to General Discussion.
you did get something wrong. turn all your graphics down to minimum and trun off shadows and play on a graphic card that has at least 1gig of visual memory. If you have less then you need to upgrade. even beta or release versions won't play.