Bug: Enemy AI commander found 'stalled' after building minor construction

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by asmodeos, December 17, 2013.

  1. asmodeos

    asmodeos New Member

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    I am totally in love with this game. The latest build is great to play, and already feels like a game to me. I'm really enjoying pretty much every aspect of PA. Thanks!

    I encoutered this AI bug tonight, and thought I'd let the developers know. I'm not sure if this is the proper place to report a bug, but here it is.

    The link is to a screenshot. Early on I sent fabricators out to construct mines. In one location, the fab units were killed followed by the two mines they had been able to build on the frontier. I monitored the area the rest of the game, expecting enemy AI to originate here. After extensive construction, I finally had recon that indicated there wasn't really any enemy presence on the planet. The AI had stalled after putting up only a couple buildings. I nuked it once, which doesn't kill the XO. The XO then 'woke up' and started building.

    I moved in to destroy it.

    You can see all the building I had done, and the XO's lonely icon near the top of the planet in green.
    [Unfortunately as a new user I cannot post the link to the image. I'll update the thread once I can]

    It was still fun to be able to actually build stuff, and get some econ and defense practice. I just installed an i7 4770k, and it really cranks this game along. The new orbital camera is so smooth.
  2. ghost1107

    ghost1107 Active Member

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    I think this belongs in the: Beta Issues & Bugs section of the forum.

    When you get more posts you can add links.
  3. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Um... Yeah.

    Sometimes the AI does this. It needs a kick up the backside to get moving again.
    It's a cute bug. I'm sure you'd find the logic pathway in the AI files somewhere too.
  4. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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    AI sadly is a reeeeealyyyyy low priority
    it not got worked on AGES now

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