Hello, I've reported this on steam : steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/540744935419999349/ Hopefully could get further information from here. Seems this is the issue shared by pa.lennardf1989.com/Tracker/index.php?do=details&task_id=3677&order=history&sort=desc Apparently the cursor get "stuck" in the middle of an operation (like selecting the radius of patrol, but not the only case) and then no selection/command/cancel is possible. This makes the game unplayable to me, since I barely can go further than 5 minutes into it until the problem shows up, which only way out is ctrl+alt+del, task manager, end task on PA.EXE or close the window if playing in windowed mode. Please note that the game keeps running when the problem occurs, with the simulation going on and I can move around the planet with the arrow keys. I've read about experimental builds .. I've downloaded the 28Mb installer, but how to get a username/password when I've bought the game via steam ? Thanks
Sounds like you're running into the same issue I am. The UI crashes. It's been a real big issue with the current build. Here's the bug tracker for this bug: http://pa.lennardf1989.com/Tracker/index.php?do=details&task_id=2617 Please vote for it. Uber has released two hotfixes addressing different bugs, but hasn't fixed this one as of yet.