What is you'r opinion on some of the bots in the game? By this I mean the bots you spawn via Pro's spending cash. I personally love Gremlins and Gap-shots the others I either don't like or are too unsure of to make an educated decision. I dislike Scramblers, and Buzzers and i'm not sure about the bouncer...
I play Gunner class mostly and i love bouncers. If you can get 2-3 at a time they can ravage a team. I usually get at least on kill/assist per bot. Just make sure you use them on places where people are on the ground. Maps where people stay on the ramps alot don't really benefit from Bouncers as they stay on the ground level.
Yes but bouncers cannot defend themselves from turrets/bots as they are hell hounds on a mission, plus it's not that hard just to backpedal and shoot them to death... I'm not 100% sure on buzzers though, does anyone know how effective they are? I have seen them take away about 1/2 health from me occasionaly but those might be the lucky ones that managed to scrape by the bots and turrets :? I personally think they should get a minor speed buff, so they can actually out-run and get to pro's.