Right now, MNC always is a stompfest or juice at overtime. I don't know about everyone else, but I don't think a MOBA should require sudden death, blitz, or an overtime mode to decide a match. (The biggest problem is that the only thing that can bring a moneyball down are bots, and they're of no consequence in this game. There's no way to backdoor meaningfully, and there's no equivalent of an inhibitor/barracks.) The crux of the problem is that bots are very weak and are of little consequence if every enemy player is not being controlled. There's little short term advantage for controlling the map. So my idea is: Bots should get stronger as they get approach the enemy moneyball. They would have the same base hp as they do now, but gain up to double hp once they're within 1000 units of the outermost turrets, and up to triple hp once they're within 1000 units of the money ball. (They wouldn't get fully healed, but retain the same % total hp)
This game already has a horrible positive feedback problem. Dying means they get more money, for better abilities, allowing them to build juice, allowing them to easily kill you, meaning they gain control of the middle, meaning more money, more juice, etc. If it wasn't for the very powerful turrets and the general lack of teamwork in pubs, this game wouldn't be very balanced. I agree with a general buff to bots, but i think that turrets should be slightly stronger against pros but much, much weaker against bots. That way, players can use bots as cover while taking out turrets, making the entire game more focused on bots. The problem right now is that the game is too focused on the pros. Let's put it this way, if you pit pros vs bots, who would win (forgetting the shield mechanic)? Pros! I know, in the DOTA clone i played, the creeps could easily overpower the heroes.
so the current, lol tdm 5v5 for 15 minutes, juice OT, is an awesome dynamic experience, amirite? imagine if every dota game had all barracks /suicide after 15 minutes, no creep hp/ad change, no items. That's MNC. Boring as hell.
Nah the mnc basics are perfectly fine, great classes, great skills, only the unimaginative maps let it down, that will change when we get community made custom maps.