Bot AI for the Pros

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by TGO023, July 20, 2010.

  1. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    This may have been asked before, but are there any scenarios where there will be Bot AI applied to the pro players for offline play, or to fill out 6 v 6 match play or Blitz Coop if you're short a full compliment of players?

    I imagine it would be an incredibly complex problem to solve, given the upgrades and strategic decisions for the Pros.
  2. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    There is no bot AI for other Pros. Blitz is a coop mode you can play with up to 4 players. You can play online to fill out the other 6. (And we have a working MUTE option ;)

    There is also private matches you can start if you want to play with less and not have other join.
  3. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    Thanks, Scathis. I figured it would be a long shot, but couldn't see where anyone had asked previously.

    One of the great features of an integrated service like Xbox Live...universal player mute. Has come in handy two or three times. :)

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