Idk what it is i haven't got a break These classes need a mini hint bar. These should be put in mp. Examples listed below Mini hint bar should be on top right as to not obscure anything on the screen. Mini hint bar popups per class Support -Pop up when a team mate is close by and not over healed. -Pop up when a team mate is low on health -Heal hurt turret when taken more then 50 % damage -Pop up when you haven't thrown fire base after first 4 minutes -Pops up saying to throw air strike on other fire base when around Assassin -Pop up when bots are pushing lanes into your base -Warns of tanks to stay away -Tells them to focus on bots and juicing the base Gunner -Pops up when you pull mortar out and a turret within plain sight to use it All classes -When going negative and losing give hints to improve like. -Stay away from juiced person you died 5 times by juice person. I have had team mates in the last couple of days who are above level 80 who seem to not focus on the objective. If you don't push bots the pros come into the base and slaughter us. I will avg 30-4 and destroy 100 plus bots but lose miserably or get pushed back by pros cause i don't have a support over healing me. I don't have the support throwing out his firebase air striking theres. Gunner or Assassin destroying turrets like they easily could so the whole match i'm fighting 2-3 pros getting shot at by all there bots when i juice and push them to there base they keep a support right on the rock it turret. They keep upgrading it to a hack 3.3 and i can just barely destroy it. When i get back after dying the bots are right back in our base. And my whole team is negative. We need this update. It should show this for all players so they can understand the basics. If the basics aren't followed the said person should be forced into a tutorial. Anyone agree or disagree.
I know it's easy to get the wrong impression, with how people in the PC section think its okay to post multiple threads on the same thing. If this is posted somewhere else, then it's already posted. Anywho, I posted in the other thread like this. It actually belongs here more, so they could remove it from the Uber General Discussion subforum and put it here. I think they should have to go get a code from the forum before continuing playing, if they have a teammate do 3x better but still lose, if they get 0 bot or turret kills in a game, or if they lose/die too much in a row. They would need to come to the forums, read a guide, take a quiz on the game, get a code if they pass, and then they could resume playing MNC. Like a driving test. Of course, that would be communism. Sweet, sweet communism. Ah, that would be great though hu?
Yeah i posted in the wrong area. :twisted: Communism bad. Idk just a little push to play your class. You achieve success when you don't aim for it. Help team mates out do your job and it will come with it. If everyone chipped in a small part. Push a bot heal me just once i will face those 3 people with alot more fury. Destroy that turret it will only take you 20 seconds. Push that bot you move like lightning .
Not everyone plays the game for objective... I am one of the few who do. While I may not get 100+ kills a match I do get a high number of bot/turret kills if i stick to my main classes. Every class can be played for objective or killing but some excell better then others. I get accused of playing rubbish or bad because of my bot status and my k/d wouldn't match it since I get my money from wins/bot kills. I know your feelings man but theres people out there who have no idea how to do nothing but kill pros. I have an assault on our team that seams to be focused only on that.
At least they do consistently good. He is talking about people that will let themselves lose. Not shortsighted teammates, completely ****ing blind teammates. The supports that are maintaining their firebase health at 150% while a teammate burns to death in front of them, desperately trying to block his view of his firebase so maybe he forgets about it for a moment to heal them. His ashes end up decorating the firebase. Those guys need to have their MNC Liscense revoked.
This happened in l4d the first one. They would have a pop up that said how to use class of zombie. They would also tell you how to help a friend. It would also vocalize a current threat. Like the witch is around be quiet. I mean anyone can be a little more smart with some help. I mean i love playing against odds but losing 9 matches in a row when i do very good. It's not about the kills or money. I want to actually win. Im a bouncer lvl 70+ and i cant win against a well played lvl 20 who focus as a team the effort of 4 good players trumps any effort i make. Only way i could turn the odds is bacon from first jackbot or bullseye super assault on bacon can win. Normal me can't. The dummy system would help. I think team fortress 2 had something like that like medic here. Well this should outline teammate in red and point towards them heal them. A quick nudge