As far as i can tell two changes came in for boombots 1) the damage increase from 200-700 as stated in the changelogs 2) Fix for boombot friendly fire or whatever the issue was with them all blowing up and doing no damage It's still really early so i don't want to 100% say boombots are OP and killing the gameplay, but I'm 70% sure that the unit variety and dynamic gameplay we had last build is now gone. That last 30% is for creative people who find solutions that I havn't thought of yet. Basically I can once again spam bot factories. If they build tanks, i change my composition towards boombots. If they go bots, I change my composition towards dox. If they build dox/tank, I change my composition to more dox than them + remainder into boombot. If they build air, I build air. But you can no longer go 2 air factory build for the true bomber hummingbird harass because it'll die to early boombots. I'll still continue looking for solutions to this dilemna, but so far the situation looks pretty bleak with tanks now being mostly obsolete.
Sounds like you are constantly having to change your strat to counteract the enemy. That's good right?
There's a difference between changing strategy and something being OP and certain units being obsolete. I was concerned when I saw that change, but have yet to experiment with it.
So booms counter tanks?, interesting. I kinda wish the basic laser had the fire rate and turret turn speed to deal with fast units like these.
Really? They are that good? What about inferno support? Surely they liquefy booms? Still in the end, would you say that it's simply down to the damage boost? Could they be slightly nerfed?
Yea, I would say the damage needs to be nerfed. Its taking only 2 boombots to kill infernos now so they die too quickly to do any real damage. You should also see how fast commanders go down to boombots. It's crazy.
Well, at least booms now do a decent amount of damage, rather then the hordes we expended before hand.
<3 Boom bots I think it's too early to say that they're OP, but they've certainly gone through hell-crazy-super-awesome buffing recently Edit: Plus they're really heavily micro based units, and now that they're usable the average PA game will have more micro.. some people don't like that ^^
Booms are very good agains buildings and blobs of units, but don't know yet if they are really op. Air, turrets and long range seems to counter them.
This is good, commanders just eat dox. Booms are the answer to commanders. Not like grenadiers aren't also acceptable though. However, this seems like a very particular skill to achieve, perfect composition to counter composition. I don't think it threatens a pub scene, however easy dox rushes do threaten the pub scene sadly lol. So, the dox seem alright to me but are too strong just due to sheer speed. Maybe reduce their specialty a bit and give them back a bit sheer power, like 75 cost and 17 speed, but decent range again? The booms are powerful again, but it is weird because they were just buffed about 3x while structures and vehicles were buffed 3x since last booms changed. I think this is acceptable, especially if dox had more health. The grenadier, I just wish it did more one-hit damage and less rate of fire, so they did their jobs correct. The vehicles could use a rapid-fire answer to bot numbers, or something with acceptable splash, but that something would need to be otherwise inferior to the ant. The ant is just about in a good place, if a rapidfire vehicle was added then ant could lose rate of fire and gain damage per shot, and the rapidfire vehicle wouldn't even need good dps. However, all accounted for, besides only the most prestigeous tournament plays, and newbie games, this game is getting some merit as balanced in the middlegrounds.
The damage buff was made before the friendly fire thing was fixed - I'd say a downward revision in their damage would probably be a good idea to compensate.
*raises hand* A good solution. Booms were certainly useful out the wazoo in the games we played yesterday. I just couldn't go all booms because large tank forces would still shred them.
yea people should have realised that by now so no real need to go dramatic ( im not implying someone did) ... however i too was bit suprised on the high damageboost for the boom ... have to test it though ...