We're all video gamers here, but who here is also into the various board games? I'm not talking about your standard Monopoly, Trouble, or Chess. I'm talking about games more associated with hobby gaming. Settlers of Catan is pretty much the big one. I feel it's got the goods to be on the same level as Milton Bradley's household names, and I personally have all the expansions for it (aside from those that let it work for 6 players). I feel similarly to standalone card games, too. Dominion is quite popular among my group, though the occasional Great Dalmuti and Apples to Apples works out nicely. I'm really psyched for the upcoming expansion to Chaos in the Old World (check out the trailer movie, I think many people here would appreciate the theme). It's the one game out of all I play where it actively encourages you to be a ****. You have to be dickish to everyone else to win, and nobody really gets to say anything about it. Whenever I play games, I'm often the one people hate (in a good way) because I will do whatever helps me best and screws my opponents the most. Catan requires some politics & cooperation, so that aspect of my personality is kinda diminished there. Chaos in the Old World just lets it run abso-friggin loose!
I'm also a big fan of Settlers of Catan. I also enjoy Operation: TANNHAUSER, Arkham Horror, Scotland Yard, Hammer of the Scots, Diplomacy, Thud!, and others. I am a game geek. :?
I've been meaning to try Scotland Yard. I've played Pandemic as the bio-terrorist, and heard there's a similar experience there.
The original 'Horus heresy' is a great game, but I do like the look of CITOW. I've never been into warhammer, prefering the futuristic 40K & NetEpic but I guess I'll give Old World a go. Having read the rules pdf though - I can't help thinking Khorne has it a bit easy.
He does at first. Eventually, people get smart enough to run away, gather in one spot, or fight back with toughies. Khorne has to spread the kills around and keep players from getting ruination points. He inspires enough fear that it can happen. If the Old World denies you combat too, he's screwed into trying for points.
Settlers of Catan with Seafarers and Cities & Knights expansions is the only way to play it. By far the best board game out there (imo). The Cities & Knights expansion allows you to be a **** more than without the expansion. Starfarers of Catan is a good one. Similar to Settlers of Catan, but with a different spin. For classic games I like Risk. Another one that I hear is good is Acquire, which I own, but have not played yet.
Betrayal at House on the Hill. One of the best board games I've ever played. It's out of production sadly, but you can still find it at a reasonable price on e-bay. I've always wanted to play Katan and Pandemic, but every time I get a chance to play something happens and I'm not able to. Also, Axis and Allies. Classic.
Oh yes - how could I forget about this. Absolute classic. Another I forgot about is the Napoleonic game 'Borodino'.
Scotland Yard is a kick-*** board game. There's more strategy that goes into it than you think. Of course, after playing it so many times, the only way I find the game fun anymore is by playing the robber and trying to make a clean getaway. As for my other favorites, I'd have to throw Monopoly in there along with Risk.
I know, right? Fantastic game. The best feeling in the world is using a bus ticket, then having the detectives start pointing to a completely random section of the board and saying "he's gotta be there".
And what's even better is when they start to analyze all the different moves you could have made once you reveal your location. They all start advancing to your last known, and as the robber you're thinking to yourself, "Oh ****, I gotta get the f*** outta here!"
I have a board game night at least once a week. We normally play risk but we love apples to apples or imagine if.
Oh, man, I love when that happens. That's when things start to get truly Machiavellian. Like when you're trapped by the park in the upper left, and you have to fake them out through Taxis and Buses rather than trains. It's craaazy.
I've just picked up 'Horus Heresy' on e-bay; the original version & when it arrived all the counters were unpunched - it's mint & unplayed. Happy days! The new one looks good but I love all things retro & this version is fantastic.