I was playing sudden death blitz last night as support, and I made it to level 351 before quitting out to play with some friends. I thought I would share my turret placement and tips. All turrets should be rockets except the two back corner nodes and the middle node near the main bridge. The back corners should be longshots, and the middle node should be a shave ice. Keep the two front rockets and the shaveice hacked at all times. Bacon should drop around level 60 and periodically after that. In an hour and a half, I got bacon four times. The worst thing you can do is freak out. You will probably miss a hack or two, and a turret will get destroyed at some point. This is to be expected, and it isn't an issue as long as you replace it promptly. If you are playing support, your firebase should go where the gapshots will stand. Don't hack it at all. Use the annihilator to take down jackbots. If you are being chased by gremlins, you can throw an airstrike and time it so that you are out of the airstrike's radius, but the gremlins are still in it and they die. You can also strike a turret if too many gremlins group up on it. Not all turrets need a full overheal, but every turret should have at least a 25% overheal. I think the 80's and 90's are the hardest levels. After one hundred, the levels got easier except for the jackbots. Near the end, jackbots will breach your ball from the main bridge, this is an issue. To stop this, you must distract them before they get past the bridge so that your turrets can shoot them down. The shave ice can be replaced by a rocket if it gets destroyed. I like the shave ice though. If you have to upgrade a turret in a round, stay in the bot lane to help your turrets. Grapple a bot or two and juice if you have to. You really don't need to upgrade your skills in the first hundred rounds or so. Hack and your firebase need to be upgraded by round 50 though. Bacon is almost a must. With bacon and a churro, you can keep 4 turrets hacked. Churros speed up the regen of skills temporarily. When you pick up a churro, your skills regen 20% or so. Pick up as many as you can so you can keep your turrets hacked. In the first 20 rounds, collect ALL the coins that the bots drop. Getting turrets up early is key. Don't build longshots until level 75 or so; the shave ice and rockets need to be upgraded first. Turrets heal themselves every ten rounds. For instance, turrets heal themselves between round 70 and 71, 80 and 81, etc. If bullseye drops, get money from him; forget the turrets. They heal automatically. You might need to use the ejector at times. I didn't, but if a turret gets destroyed, you might want to use the ejector to buy some extra time. After level 90 or 100, there is no bullseye, or at least he didn't for me.
Me and El OG Loco could of reached the first place on Sudden Death blitz but we got bored so we decided to stop. I was Assassin, he was Tank.
Pretty much this. Whoever is 1st is the person who can play the longest. Single player is easier as well since you can pause it for breaks.
Ive made some good runs. Made it to 1600+ using the same layout. Hunt for churros to get more hacks. If you're nervous about getting overrun, build a shaveice on the nub behind the moneyball as a backup. It doesnt see much action anyway and if u can squeeze in one of those extra hacks, itll slow enemies as they come out the back doors.
viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5910&start=10 go to map about 5 posts down.... but instead of mid shaveice make it a rockit..
Something that might be interesting, you don't need shave-ice's much, bascicly you only need one. The one in the middle front need te be a hacked shave-ice, the rest all need to be rockets, just keep that shave-ice and some rockets from the front hacked and you'll be fine. ps: this is all from pc experience so it might not be true for the 360.