UPDATED POST: My original post is below, but seeing as I have a working prototype up, I've decided to update this one. The map is at Http://www.intrisplace.com Go ahead and click around. all of the turrets cycle through turret images, letting you set which turrets are where. The four colored circles represent firebases. (At the moment they are placeholders.) This is the first working version of the map I've made. I'm planning on adding the ability to save the map and share it with people, but as it is now the only way to share it with people is to print screen and post it in the forums. Also i'm considering setting up a way to change the rounds to show your turret progression, but I wont' be doing that for the few hundred rounds people get to. Thoughts, suggestions? Let me know!
Re: Thinking about making a blitz map in flash It should be easy to make the dots movie clips, and attach some actionscript so that when someone clicks on it, it can cycle through the turret options. So the timeline of the dot movie clip would look like this: Frame 0 - Circle Frame 1 - Lazer Frame 2 - Rocket Frame 3 - Ice Frame 4 - Longshot The actionscript (in AS2) would be Code: this.stop(); var frameCounter = 0; this.onMouseUp = function () { if (frameCounter > 4) { frameCounter++; this.gotoAndStop(frameCounter); } else if (frameCounter = 4) { frameCounter == 0; this.gotoAndStop(frameCounter); } } You could then use multiple instances of the circle movie clip for all of the turrets. (I know the code probably isn't the best way to do things, but I just woke up. I am sure using something like _currentframe would be better, so you wouldn't have to worry about the variable getting all wonky, but meh)
Re: Thinking about making a blitz map in flash That's actually exactly what I wanted to do. I used Flash once about a year and a half ago when I was still in college, so I remember almost nothing of it, so this little project is probably going to take a good bit of time for me to complete.
Re: Thinking about making a blitz map in flash would be awesome to have aa possibility to save many versions of the turrets + the lvl. let me know when there is working or alpha/beta version of this
Re: Thinking about making a blitz map in flash Will do! I'm going to start trying to figure out how to do this later tonight, like I said earlier I have very little experience in flash, so it could take a bit of time. Plus I need to make a new map, because that looks horrible.
Re: Thinking about making a blitz map in flash Feel free to PM me if you need help getting it coded. It should be easy to set up some code to get it to output a flat image w/ info about what level turrets and what rounds of waves it applies to.
Re: Thinking about making a blitz map in flash So I've asked the Dev team to give us a 2D overview of the blitz map, and I got an email back saying they'll have one up tomorrow! No more paint or photshopping fails for the rest of us, eh? It should make it much easier to do this project with a map overview.
Re: Thinking about making a blitz map in flash Attached is a highres overhead image of the Blitz map as well as the 8 bit turret icon images. I kept the turret images in white so they can be tinted for different effect.
Re: Thinking about making a blitz map in flash Thank you very much, Eka! I'll start working on the flash map for everyone!
Thanks. I have some plans for a couple updates, but seeing as I learned flash maybe 4 days ago, I have to find out how to do it.
I've used it a couple of times already. I configured six setups for solid bases, screencapped 'em, and then when I get some scheduled play with my friends, I can usually show it to 'em ahead of time. Nothing's worse than a misplaced turret. Aside from getting killed by a Slimbot.
Hey, that's good to know. I see Two hundred and sixty something views but only a few replies. Great to hear someone's using it. I'll start working on a way to save it and share your setups without the Print Screen function. Any suggestions for what else needs added/changed? EDIT: Also, I wear my Slimbot deaths like a badge of honor!