I just bought PA and when I played the planet textures were gone. The planets were completely black but I could see my troops and the minerals. If there is a fix for it please tell me.
If your drivers are up-to-date, can you give us details on the specs of the system you are running the game on? Running DXDiag and sending the results can help narrow it down. If it's a bug on our end, we'll fix it!
Yep - as no-one's asked for it yet, please could you post your DxDiag.txt? EDIT: derp. I just re-read Varrak's post. Sorry, long day at work. From @SXX' signature:
Thanks for the DxDiag... I can tell you now your problem is your graphics drivers: "Driver Date/Size: 7/27/2010 21:16:04" Now getting newer drivers can be a pain for laptops, however first thing I would try is to get the drivers direct from amd: www.amd.com It is also worth mentioning that you could try running PA on the Integrated Intel graphics (if you're having a problem getting the amd drivers to work)- however you will need to make sure those are up to date as well....
Hi, I too had this problem - I had experienced it when I was pushing changes to a mod that I was making for the server by using the cheat Uber very kindly gave us . I noticed that PA was trying to use just over 4GB of VRAM (I pushed roughly about 5 or so changes as I was messing about with units and stuff), I fixed the problem by closing the game and reconnecting to the game that I was playing in which the usage went back to normal - under 1GB as it was a 2 planet system. The graphics card that I have is a GTX660 and I am running the latest driver for it (337.88). I don't know if this is also a bug or something on my end but when I play a game and then start another 1 straight after I notice a slow down plus the VRAM is used more too - whether that be a new solar system or the previous 1.