Biome Suggestion

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by hungryheffly, August 19, 2015.

  1. hungryheffly

    hungryheffly New Member

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    theres not really a suggestion forum, so i guessed to put it here.

    Anyways the suggestion is for a new planet type/biome, it would be just a moon, but it would be double, sort of like 2 moons orbiting around some sort of gravity well, and stuff like air vehicles can just fly to the other moon, and commander could just... jump? so think about this, you own one moon and your enemy owns the other moon, you get a bunch of pelicans, a bunch of infernos, load the infernos up into the pelicans, and take 2 second to fly over to the second moon, instead of having to use orbital to fly all the way to another planet.

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