Bio-neural circuitry

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by Organous, May 24, 2012.

  1. Organous

    Organous Member

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    Check the link above. It links to an article talking about how scientists figured out a way to change DNA to basically store data. This is a big deal to me. I'm a fan of Star Trek: Voyager. In that series, they introduced "bio-neural circuitry," basically packs of gel that are alive and able to process data faster than traditional computers. That's one possible consequence of this new technology. We can get computers that use biological circuitry, and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm still alive by the time it bypasses fully metallic computers.
    What's more interesting to me though, is the ethical implications of such things. People are already concerned, somewhat laughingly, about a robot uprising, with artificial intelligence reaching the point of sentience. I think the sentience thing is actually getting there, but I think it's rather stupid to think the Terminator is based on a true story. If this technology does reach the point of being as powerful, if not more so, than traditional computers, and artificial intelligence programming does reach the point of sentience, what we'll have here is a combination of biological engineering, cloning, and slavery. I'm sure this will eventually be a very interesting thing to watch.

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