Biggest problem with new players?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by MikeyTWolf, December 31, 2010.

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  1. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Specifically referring to the defence/offense crumbling poor behaviours of new players not understanding their available tactical options and taking advantage of them, all of which could simply be fixed with an PROPER tutorial/tutorial vids in-game, or convincing them to either listen to you, read the forums or play Blitz with each class before playing Crossfire.

    For example, to start with, I can think of two: Turret placement and Gunners.

    The first is fairly obvious: Most new players seriously overlook turrets and their effects, and most wind up building long-shots right next to the moneyball, where they're supposed to build Rockits ONLY, because it's the last line of defence for one, and two, the long-shots won't hit ANYTHING because they forgot to actually look at the map itself. This could easily be remedied with a proper tutorial which includes at least a video displaying the effects and abilities of each turret (firebase included) and their upgrades. (Note: Is it me or is Shave Ice useless in Blitz? This gives a bad impression because in CF I never used it as a result, and the one time I see it in use, it suddenly cripples bots moving through? WTF?)

    The second however is another facepalm phenomenom. I see bad gunners almost everywhere, running around using the minigun on bots and turrets, as if they don't even know the gunner carries a (VERY powerful mind) mortar around that makes light work of bots, turrets and even snipers and such. And it's frustrating because even if they would listen, they probably can't either because of VoIP not working (at least, whenever Mickey Cantor can easily and loudly speak over anything you say, I consider that a fail in terms of whether it works or not) and the text chat being completely unsuitable for anyone not dead to read.

    What annoys you lot? (Please only whine like me if you have at least... say... Lvl 40. Because we all know, Snipers are "imba" lol</sarcasm>)
  2. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    They will learn, they will learn...

    [​IMG] ;)
  3. Terror

    Terror New Member

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    I have built longshots in bad postions but thats just me sliding wrong with the mouse. I should probably use the hot keys.
  4. do0t

    do0t New Member

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    The amount of fierce rage some of these 'holier than thou' players is utterly laughable and disgusting at the same time. Last I checked, only people making a living at this game is the developers, not any of you headset egomaniacs. Chill out and let the newbies learn as they go please.
  5. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    So having functioning brain cells makes me "holier than thou"?

    Christ, anyone with ANY understanding of basic physics such as "what comes down to obliterate anything in X area has to go up in the first place" would know not to build longshots under the spawn. Not being able to do headshots, or figure out where the side paths are would be excusable by inexperience, I'm talking about the "Oh christ why did you think THAT was a good idea?" problems they bring.

    Besides, it's borderline "Christ you idiot" when they figure "I know, I'll just dive right into a random online server against pros of all skill levels without knowing half the terminology or how to swap weapons herp derp." instead of say, playing singleplayer first.

    Hell, even if you were confident in your skills you'd play singleplayer properly to make sure nothing breaks or anything, or that you can figure out all the major key binds. Unless of course the extremely simple and shallow tutorial could be to blame letting them think every class plays the same without so much as a simulated live scenario (the bots don't even do anything, they just sit there).
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Wow, I have to tell you I'm having an extreme case of de-ja-vu reading this thread. :D
  7. do0t

    do0t New Member

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    Personal attacks are below my pay-grade as it were.

    The intent was to point out that some people go to extreme lengths over the mic to rally their team with some pitiful language; stuff that makes me want to leave the server as an aged 30 something. As an experienced gamer, I tolerate it. For the UNexperienced player i.e., that didn't come out of the womb a known legend at all aspects MNC, I can imagine the berating lingo to be a turn off. The MNC community is small by comparison, so why treat new players like *** because you can?

    I love team work. I don't love the toxicity. That is all. :)
  8. FriedrichPsitalon

    FriedrichPsitalon New Member

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    My pet peeve: People claiming total expertise and utter skill who have absolutely no patience for other people learning the game, when they have months and months of work behind them, and the game - for others - is still in the beta.

    Get a grip. What's obvious to one person is the result of a tremendous amount of experience to another. New players probably assume - quite reasonably - that if there was a place to plant a turret, the turret will work there, and not simply smack the wall/ring of the level above it. After all, offering a strategic choice that is completely wrong and invalid, and therefore not really a choice, THAT would be bad GAME DESIGN, wouldn't it? But we won't look at that angle, will we?

    Players who may have only punched a particular button once or twice in the tutorial may not realize there is a secondary weapon for a particular class, or they may not recognize the power/potency of that weapon, particularly if it fires in a strange manner (which the mortar does) or has a bizarre crosshair (which the mortar has.)

    Game communities grow through understanding. They shrink through elitism. Myself, I'll go with the option that gives me more folks to play with, thanks.
  9. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    That is a very good point. I have seen this happening to Demigod. The publisher added a player stat overlay to the game that showed win/loss ratios and a percentage of how often you have played with another player. What happened was that players with a too high or too low win/loss ratios were kicked by hosts. Play with somebody you know? Forget it! You were marked as evil premade random stompers. I had one player berate me and a friend because we hosted a 5v5 and wanted to play on the same team. Two players in a 5v5!

    Does it hurt you to play with less experienced players? Is there even any stat that will suffer if you don't get your >$5000 40/0 K/D game? I don't know because I don't care. Go out there and have some fun. If you think the teams are not working for you, find another server.

    Monday Night Combat is not Starcraft II or CoD. There is no seemingly endless supply of new players. If you start scaring new players away, the community will become quite small very fast. I've seen this happening and it's not pretty.

    Please keep in mind that some of you had 5 month to hone your skills while some of the new players are trying to figure out how to grapple and to spot cloaked Assassins. Don't scare them away, you will miss them half a year from now! The same goes for beta players once the game is released officially. Give them a chance. Or at least don't kill-farm them at the spawn point for 15 minutes. Make it quick.

    Thank you!
  10. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

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  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    When I was a noob I took time to learn the ins and outs of the game and took a month or two to criticize it.
  12. XyzKiller

    XyzKiller New Member

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    I find Shave Ice Turrets awesome in "The Scramble" Blitz, it helps slow down the many Bouncers and Gremlins from overwhelming you. :)
  13. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

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    That's what the forums and wiki are for.
  14. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Seriously... This is the man on this forum that will lead us to salvation or damnation depending on his actions! I applaud you once again for a great post! :D
  15. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Love just how far everyone's managed to fling themselves off-topic and now they're all nodding and agreeing with each other on what's effectively a hate party of ignorance.

    The ******* topic was supposed to be: What are the problems new players are causing through (mostly then) inexperience and which category would they go under; Problems that would be solved by an actual half-decent in-game tutorial, OR problems that simply require longer gametime?

    And even then slightly off-topic: Who the **** thinks "Ooh, new game that plays in a completely different way. I know! I'll just hop onto a random server instead of checking out the singleplayer first!" You wouldn't be caught dead doing that (hopefully) in any other genre than shooter (RTSes in particular) and even my dad would like to be a gamer, but is hopelessly casual, and yet he seems to have the common sense to avoid stomping grounds like the plague considering this is the kind of image people keep generating from wanting fun, not new players you'll never see again nor gain hardly any challenge from in most scenarios.

    Also, can't change servers at the moment considering how hard it is to get in one in the first place. A teething problem for now that shouldn't be spouted out as a knee-jerk reaction in such pavlovian manners.

    Fanmail response:
    Nope. Of course we won't consider it bad game design because it isn't? Steel Peel, alright, you'd be forgiven the first few times if you build a longshot turret AWAY from the moneyball or buy gapshots only to find they keep smacking into the walls. I'm talking about the people who constantly buy longshots underneath the spawn ring because there's no more than 5 friggin feet of open air between turret and ceiling, when all you need to do is look at it's direction to see it. And anyone who's seen a few action or war movies, let alone a game or two would know artillery doesn't quite work like that.

    Map specific limited turret options might be interesting though for custom maps and servers. Along with "Assassin Sunday Night Combat" sessions etc.
  16. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    Biggest problem with new players on the PC is the same as the biggest problem with Xbox pubs, they treat the team like TDM and fail to understand the goals. Most pubs don't give pushing bots and attacking the Moneyball enough respect. Killing people is great, but it doesn't win games, it just reduces obstacles. If you aren't going to push, you aren't going to win.

    Longshots positioned so they fire into walls is a pretty big facepalm too.
  17. epyx

    epyx New Member

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    new objective: build worthless turrets and watch people cry about it
  18. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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  19. TheBob

    TheBob New Member

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    Biggest problem with new players? Idk
    Biggest problem to new players? Players like MikeyTWolf.

    Your playing online. Some people are not as good as others. Some rounds are more fun than others. Get over it and stop having a **** fit.
  20. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    This whole thread is flame bait. There's nothing wrong with new players and it's how a community grows. They will learn. If you're getting upset because people don't understand how the game is played, try helping them or find a different match.
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