Better aggregation controls in combination number hot keys

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by carn1x, September 30, 2014.

  1. carn1x

    carn1x Active Member

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    One thing I fond myself constantly trying even though I don't think it has ever worked is trying to combine Shift/Ctrl with hotkeys 1-0. Obviously Ctrl+1-0 is already a thing, so that wouldn't make sense by itself, but how about:

    Shift+1 = Add group 1 to the current selection.

    Ctrl+Shift+1 = Subtract group 1 from the current selection.
    elodea likes this.
  2. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    That's because Shift+*number* is for camera anchors.
  3. carn1x

    carn1x Active Member

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    Gah! Need more keys. Totally forgot about the camera anchors. OK think carn1x, think...

    So as far as I can tell the + and - keys are not used. How about an alternative (not mutually exclusive) method to selection where + / - is a toggle for "union/subtraction" mode.

    So you press + and then anything you select either via left-click or [1-0] is added to selection, and - sets the reverse?

    Bit weird, could a mod do this? If so I might have to get my hands dirty.

    Also another interface tweak I was mulling, when the mouse hovers over the selected units icons in the bottom-left, one thing that bugs me is that right-click to deselect will cause the list of icons to reflow, making them unpredictable.

    Instead, then icons could be set in a rectangular container where mouse-out triggers the re-flow. So you have 2x3 unit icons and right clicking on a unit icon will fade it, but not remove it, so none of the icons move. You can even re-select faded icons if you mistakenly clicked some. When you mouse-out of the box, the faded icons are removed and the panel re-flows. Now this must be mod-able...

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