Hi, these are my ideas to improve the game so far: - Loading Times way too long(everybody knows that) - No information about who is still in the game - Games rarely go to the end, players tend to leave. There should be some kind of leaver punishment in any RTS - Spawning on different planets would be great - Space fights are boring (1 unit type and confusing controls with all units below. space units need to be visible as space units, even from above)
Are you running game from Steam? Do you have Nvidia video card? It's here, but not really work for team armies, at least before if player exit the game his nickname is grayed out.
I thought whether the name in the upper left of the screen white vs grey meant still-playing vs left-game. If not, what does the color change mean?
Then there is possible way to dramatically improve PA performance and decrease loading times. First try to download game using Uber launcher instead on Steam: https://store.uberent.com/Download/Install?titleId=4 Second open Nvidia Control Panel and force enable "Threaded Optimization" option.