Beta Build 61694

Discussion in 'Support!' started by garat, February 19, 2014.

  1. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Date: February 18th, 2014

    UPDATE YOUR DRIVERS! Especially your video drivers. Don't rely on Windows Update to do this for you. You should come to our forums or do a web search to figure out the best drivers for your setup.

    Windows Versions: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (64 & 32 bit)

    Mac OS/X: 10.7, 10.8 & 10.9

    Beta Build: 61694

    • Bug fix build to address a number of graphics optimizations, crashes and bug fixes.

    Beta Build: 61450

    We've got some great additions to the last big build! Picture in Picture! Moving particle rendering to the GPU! Various other bug fixes, improvements and changes. Hop in and play! If you haven't played in a while, definitely try again, and let us know how your framerate is doing

    • Picture in Picture! Off by default, you can turn it on by clicking the new icon right next to the chronocam icon in the lower right corner. Keep in mind this does impact performance (You're rendering two views of the game!), but it is AWESOME. Shift-V allows you to quickly alternate between the main and PIP view.
    • GPU rendering of particle effects. Across the board, this should improve client performance for everyone! It's not a "one size fix all" change, but it should be another change down the "making things better for everyone" path
    • Unit updates to include more team color
    • Even more AI improvements - Cue evil laugh
    • A number of pathing and patrol related bug fixes
    • Orbital units entering a new celstial body should now be oriented correctly
    • Balance/Unit Changes: Gunships should have an easier time hitting targets, transports have been moved to the advanced factory for now, and a few other changes.
    • We are now able to start rolling out the new launcher in a limited fashion. We hope to start this on Friday, February 21st. For now, the launcher is limited to Windows and Mac. Please keep an eye on our forums in the beta section for more details.

    Beta Build: 61250

    This build covers a large number of changes. The build notes will cover the highlights, but there will be even more things that aren't discussed. The balance of the game has changed. In some cases drastically, in some cases simple tuning.

    We have also been doing a lot of work to improve performance. Client performance on a number of fronts. The server has also been getting quite a bit of work on it. This is great, but it also means new bugs may appear that are graphics card or system specific. Please make sure your graphics drivers and systems are up to date. OpenGL support on Mac has been limited to 3.2+. We no longer have 2.1 legacy Open GL support.

    This build includes unit formations, new units, new area commands (load/unload with transports for instance), new art across many units, and a lot of other changes.

    • Area load / unload: Works with terrestrial transports and the Astraeus.
    • New Steam SDK includes 64 libraries for linux ; Hopefully this will help some Steam integration issues in 64-bit linux
    • OpenGL 3.2 or newer is required on OS/X now. We no longer support legacy 2.1 Open GL, as it was hurting performance for almost all Mac users.
    • Alternate Fire Button (Default map: u); This is your Uber Cannon button. You can much more easily use the uber cannon now
    • Lots of changes to AI; Make use of the Economic Scale in the lobby in vs. AI games to tune their difficulty. They have gotten much smarter. And will continue to get smarter.
    • Bug Fix: Assist tasks will now end if assist target moves to another celestial body
    • Most instances of units bouncing at the bottom of a teleport gate should be fixed
    • Area Patrol for ground units is working!
    • Lots of particle system additions and changes
    • Units now have individual celestial travel speeds ; they are no longer all using the exact same numbers for travel speed
    • Beam Weapons/Instant Hit exists as a weapon type now. They are only used by a few units currently (orbital laser, flack cannon and sniper bot)
    • Unit formation support: Still WIP, but units now form up ranks and attempt to maintain consistent speeds to approach targets as a group.
    • Twitch support for in-game chat (ctrl-enter for Twitch chat)
    • Subs have been pulled for the time being
    • Orbital pathing visualization can now be hidden in cinematic mode
    • Support for Map Ping
    • Attacking larger buildings should be more reliable now. Units can calculate a valid firing solution based off the entire unit (OBB), rather than just the center point.
    • New Planet Template Type: Desert
    • Weapon support for splash damage fall off - Which means point blank on a weapon can have one damage value, but the splash, as you get further away from ground zero, can start to fall off.
    • Did we mention lots of balance changes and quite a few new units?
    • Some fundamental UI changes. This MAY break mods.
    • Lots of additions and changes to Unit JSON data ; Expect to have to update your spreadsheets and other stuff to account for this
    • This build notes may continue to be updated actively for the next few days, but assume there are far more things NOT called out than are actually called out!
    Last edited: February 25, 2014
  2. selfavenger

    selfavenger Active Member

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  3. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    mishtakashi, lokiCML and cwarner7264 like this.
  4. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    This time bugs will be confirmed as fixed while I test them.

    Bugs fixed/closed in 61250:
    • PA#1068 - Advanced Energy Plant Wireframe
    • PA#1711 - Pathfinding of larger groups equals a "lemming trail"
    • PA#1734 - Leviathan guns detatched and flashing
    • PA#2950 - Inferno do not fire
    • PA#2957 - Area patrol does not work with land units
    • PA#2997 - Gunship isn't fire on naval
    • PA#3024 - Energy Plant and Adv. Energy Plant are missing UNITTYPE_Basic / UNITTYPE_Advanced
    • PA#3064 - Air units that assisting orbital fly on the ground after orbital left planet

    Bugs fixed/closed in 61450:
    • PA#2991 - Orbital Fabber disappearing once unloaded from Aestraeus
    Last edited: February 27, 2014
    shootall likes this.
  5. sirbostontbagparty

    sirbostontbagparty Member

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    Yes, can't wait to play with all the new things!
    EDIT:OMG I don't know what you did but the performance Is 1000 times better on my Mac! Thank you!
    Last edited: February 19, 2014
  6. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    One hour sleep will have to suffice for tonight. :D
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  7. OathAlliance

    OathAlliance Well-Known Member

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    We have been blessed by the great Lords of Uber! Let us rejoice in festivitous feasting!
  8. Corang

    Corang Well-Known Member

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  9. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    PLEASE tell me the desert planets have giant sandworms! Please!
    fr2ed, mabono5 and Zenotheory like this.
  10. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Bah, it just gives me a black screen on Linux. The last build worked fine... (with SXX's fixes)

    [20:58:11.885] INFO Log file /home/jarno/.local/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/log/PA-20-58-11.885.txt opened
    [20:58:11.885] INFO Looks like this isn't the Steam distribution
    [20:58:11.885] INFO Client loaded 0 mods
    [20:58:11.938] INFO HAL initializing...
    [20:58:11.938] INFO OpenGL Vendor: Intel Open Source Technology Center
    [20:58:11.938] INFO OpenGL Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ivybridge Mobile
    [20:58:11.938] INFO OpenGL Version: 3.0 Mesa 10.2.0-devel
    [20:58:11.938] INFO OpenGL Shader Language Version: 1.30
    [20:58:11.938] INFO Vendor flag set to Intel.
    [20:58:11.938] INFO Gamma correct pipeline enabled.
    [20:58:11.938] INFO Ranged mapping enabled.
    [20:58:11.938] INFO Advanced instancing enabled.
    [20:58:11.938] INFO Advanced shader models disabled.
    No PA for me anymore... :(
    Maybe it's the new OpenGL stuff? It should still get me in the main menu though, right?
  11. JWest

    JWest Active Member

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  12. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Yes it is. All shaders require GLSL 150 (OpenGL 3.2) now and it's still request default 3.0 core profile.

    You can force default core profile this way:
    Unfortunately it's crash with it:
    Nope, shader that handle UI surface can't be compiled so you see black screen.
    wheeledgoat likes this.
  13. Dementiurge

    Dementiurge Post Master General

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    Updating drivers...

    I'm not sure whether to blame AMD or Microsoft. Three decades later and installers have become the most evil forms of software there are. (I may just be ranting because I have to do this before playing PA. :p )

    Edit: And now I'm getting the first hard-reset crashes on this computer in years. Fantastic.
    Last edited: February 19, 2014
  14. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Ah, bugger. That sounds like it won't be fixed in the foreseeable future...

    I tried optirun too, but although that gets me into a game, the mouse cursor is just the normal desktop cursor and all of the icons, green metal dots, selection boxes and economy is missing even after hitting F5 repeatedly. Primusrun just gives me a black screen instead of a planet to play on, so that doesn't work either.

    I guess all that is left is to mess around with nvidia-prime now. I hear version 0.5 allows for graphics card switching.
  15. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Welp, it's patch night. So I have to get up for work in 3 1/2 hours... worth it.
    Raevn and Clopse like this.
  16. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I'm investigate it. If you're not on sandy bridge I guess this should be fixable because game failed at creating GLX context and it's GL trace from Nvidia also crash. I have to get GL trace from AMD blob and then check what's going wrong in glx.
    wheeledgoat likes this.
  17. Antiglow

    Antiglow Well-Known Member

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    Posted this in the changes thread but I will also post it here because it seems like a slightly better place for it.

    Graphical bugs that I have noticed so far:
    • Teleporter event horizon does not appear after activated.
    • Air units do not have engine fire animation as seen in playtest. Picture Below:
    • Power gens do not light up when using free cam building them and lights stay off after free cam is deactivated.
    Other in game bugs:
    • Full planet patrol does not completely work. some units get stuck spinning.
    • Orbital fabricators do not spray in correct direction (still). They are a little better though.
    • Air fabricators speed makes groups of them do "fly-by fabrication" taking entire sections/planets of mex in no time. A very cool feature, maybe a little OP but I like it.
    • Ships still seem too slow.
    Last edited: February 19, 2014
  18. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Yeah, I'm on Ivy bridge. (Intel® Core™ i7-3632QM to be exact)

    That would be pretty neat if you find a solution. (Understatement)
    I love how you keep coming up with these solutions. Without you I wouldn't have been able to play since build 50355 or so.
    wheeledgoat likes this.
  19. pieman2906

    pieman2906 Well-Known Member

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    So, we already had the desert template type. I'm assuming this means something has been changed about it?

    Atm the template appears to function more or less the same as it always did.

    (also, i think we need seperate sliders for mountains and water height, cause right now, setting the water height low on a desert planet, doesnt give you a flat desert covered planet, it gives you a grey blob of mountains.)
  20. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    It appears al templates had changes to their mass.
    Desert was added as biome option.

    Desert Template also got some other changes
    Mass: 1800 -> 7500
    seed: 3348 -> 9756
    radios:560 -> 700
    heightRange: 50 -> 25
    waterHeight: 38 -> 40
    biome: 'earth' -> 'desert'
    biomScale: 50 -> 75

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