Best way to clear out gunner-support in left covered tunnel

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by vermifax, August 31, 2010.

  1. vermifax

    vermifax New Member

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    I forget which map has the covered tunnel on the left of your base, but a couple games last night I had a gunner/support combo get in there and they were rediculously hard to get out and even when 4 of us would get them out, they'd just come back in when we were dealing with something else.


    Assassins really don't work vs 2 people and a turret.
    Gunners get blown apart before they can charge in and ring one of em out, grenades tend to bounce over the edge.
    Snipers can't get an angle on them without being shot. Flak maybe?
  2. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I guess you mean RazeLazor.

    Airstrikes in front of the tunnel may help, also i noticed when i was attacking from that location myself, that an airstrike dropped in the far end of the tunnel (near the edge) would explode on the lower floor. Haven't really tested this myself, might have been a bug or a very luck drop. I just didn't move, assuming it was gonna explode above me.

    Anyway, i guess a Tank could take them out since it's close ranged. Haven't really tried it out. Or Tank+Support to be sure. If you cant get that to happen, then your problem is not that situation, but the fact that the others are working together, and your team is not (which is not neccesarily your fault).
  3. c4lvitron

    c4lvitron New Member

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    Do your best to take out the support first. If you are playing as the gunner, you can kill there support very quickly and then you're on even ground. They might be overhealed, but you should have the high ground/surprise advantage.
  4. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I can't imagine a situation where that would work unless you got lucky or the gunner/support were absolute trash. A lone gunner is not going to be able to take out a gunner + support the vast majority of the the time, and I don't see how you could possible say they would have the "high ground". The support is going to be behind the gunner, so there is no way you're going to take him out first if you're just barreling in. In this situation it would make much more sense for someone to try and get around behind the support and take him out by surprise. Also, any decent sniper should be able to get a headshot on the gunner if he's in a narrow lane like this one.
  5. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    Use the gunner slam or the assaults mine to blast them out of the back window. The gunner might be able to make it back but by that time you can destroy the support. If the support goes flying off the gunner is finished and if they both go flying off do a happy dance.
  6. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    From experience - Flak 3 + ice trap or a teammate going round the other way to finish them. Or just headshot the gunner when he comes into the doorway to fire.

    And other tactics that might work but I've not tried them - Assault tosses a bomb in there for kill/ringout. Gunner/tank spawn a bouncer (which I believe head for the closest opponent) from the bot spawn right next to the door and hope that's enough of a distraction to slam/charge/shoot at least one of them. Not sure what an Assassin or Support could do unassisted in this situation, providing the enemies don't do anything stupid.
  7. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    A surprisingly effective tactic I found for breaking that as assassin is to spawn gremlins using the bot spawner on the same side as the tunnel... they detour through the tunnel to get the base campers which causes havoc and it's usually enough breathing room for you to slip in and do the damage you need to do... if teammates come with you then all the better :3
  8. vermifax

    vermifax New Member

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    I never thought about spawning a bouncer, I bet that would work great.
  9. c4lvitron

    c4lvitron New Member

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    If it's under the side bridge on laserblazer there are 3 diff points where you could attack them from from above. Yes, if they have an unchecked sniper, you would be dumb to just run across the map with your big gunner head.

    Assuming you have teammates on your team,though, you can come in one of the 3 spots and take out the support. IMO, the gunner is the best support killer.

    I'm not saying I'm the best, but I have taken out a support/gunner duo many times...definitely way more than they have gotten me. Honestly, I don't think it's that hard, because the support is often not being used to its full potential. They are too busy thinking about healing their buddy than getting kills. That makes the support much easier to catch off guard.
  10. Zeromus EG

    Zeromus EG New Member

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    Haha I managed to find 2 Supports and a Gunner heading down this tunnel one time when I was using Tank.

    I did my charge, used Death Blossom to finish off one of the Supports and then Jet Gunned the other 2.

    They must have been really bad because they didn't even have a Firebase up or anything, but whatever, I got my Triple Kill achievement :D
  11. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    As a Support who does this, and has a support team mate that covers the rear entrance with his turrets, I have some suggestions.

    If you run into me and my guest, go the other way. If it's anyone else, you might be able to ring them out.

    Assassins aren't effective in this scenario. We basically split duties. One Support heals and over heals turrets while the other taps his hurt gun to detect any cloaked assassins. I don't care how confident the Assassin might be in their "skills" but they might get ONE of us at best.

    Gunners can be a problem, but usually only with a support healing them. Sometimes they can get in, slam and cause enough trouble to disrupt the operation.

    Tanks put up a good fight, and if you get lucky, you might ring one support out. I guarantee if your playing against me or my guest, the second support will have you dead before your kill registers.

    Other support just get wasted if they try it alone.

    A sniper can harass and possibly kill either turret if it is placed in the open. The freeze traps are annoying, but he's going to have to get in the tunnel to cash them in.

    Your best bet is the Assault. You need to remove the Support first. Both Support if you run into a duo. The Assault has the best tool kit for doing this quickly. Don't try to shoot it out, even without a fire base, I smoke Assault who pick a fight with me 75% of the time with the hurt gun. It's lazy and cheap, but it works.

    When I'm running this trick, the only threat we really have to deal with is getting rung out. It's easy enough to avoid, but if you harass the exposed turret enough, you can pre-occupy one with healing it while you work on the support.

    Sometimes a gunner can fire on the firebase from the elevated ring outside the spawn room, if is in the doorway. This makes you a target for airstrikes, but it does cause the Support to leave cover and deal with you. There is an opportunity to end him.
  12. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    LaseRazor left tunnel gunner problem... ok here goes.

    Assassin: sneak up behind him and assasinate, or if he has health upgrade shoot shuriken at him and retreat (repeat).

    Assault throw your bomb in the doorway and you can probably blow him off the map. Or sneak up behind him and throw your bomb on him.

    Gunner: charge that tunnel hit him when hes retreating to heal. You might be able to hit slam and knock him out.

    Sniper: freeze trap+grapple or freeze trap+ sniper rifle.

    Support: Sneak behind him and double shotgun or airstrike the doorway.

    Tank: charge him and you will probably knock him off the ledge or sneak up behind him and attack him at close quarters.

  13. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    sneaking up on the supports likely to do this trick is unlikely UberGunner. As immortal points out, the hurtgun trick allows one to keep watch. That's why the gremlins proved so handy :3
  14. breischl

    breischl New Member

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    Yeah, I love that trick. Though I think 2x Support is even tougher to handle, since you can have two turrets and cover both entrances simultaneously, plus the close confines are favorable for the shotgun.

    Using bots is probably a good idea, but I haven't seen anyone actually try it.

    You can try to throw freeze traps by the door to trap the gunner/support in the open and kill them.

    Assassins may work as well, though some players (eg, Immortal) will watch for that. In any case, I would expect it to be a suicide mission for the assassin - hope to kill one pro and let someone else mop up afterward. Yay teamwork! :)

    Your safest option is probably to have someone shoot in the base side with shurikens or assault grenades & C4. They bounce around like crazy in that hallway. It probably won't kill anyone, but it'll keep their heads down a bit and do some damage. Meanwhile, someone needs to come around the other way and try to kill them. Depending on the exact placement of turrets, this might work better with either a long-range gun or more explosives.
  15. Wutang85

    Wutang85 New Member

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    OP....what you mentioned is fast becoming my most hated thing in this

    IT's a good strat and it always seems i'm the only one on my team who knows how to deal with this.....

    I play Assault....It's hard and doesn't always work, but usually I'll throw my nade to do damage, but also to distract and give me time to move in for grapple ....

    Also before I throw the nade I unload a clip if I can into the Support....

    The trick is to kill the Support.....forget the Gunner otherwise you are dead.

    IT's a damn good combo that I maybe kill 40% of the time at that location......

    But you really need at least 2 people to go at them....

    I can do it sometimes by myself but if I can ANY help at all it's a lot easier as Assault.
  16. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    Well if your support hopefully someone is at least listening on your team. Last match that was happening I had an assassin actually using his mic so we timed it. When the gunner stopped firing I said 'go'. He took out the support from the backside of the tunnel and I shotgun the long reloading gunner in the face :)
  17. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Trust me, as a support, me and my friend (gunner/tank) do this whenever possible. The best thing to do is leave them alone because they really can't do too much damage without leaving the area. The most they can do is kill the rock-it turret right in front of the opening and the turret just to the left of the opening without walking out too far. The point of this is to create an annoying distraction and laugh as the whole team attempts to beat it, thus racking up kills. Really it isn't that big of a deal.

    If the support or gunner/tank wants to do any damage to the base, they are going to have to be in the opening which is when an assault/gunner rings them out. Or just have a Sniper on the other side and get headshots as they peak thier bodies out for a second. Really, that alley way isn't a great pathway anyways.

    Just avoid them, by going in there, you are giving them what they want. If they poke thier heads out, they are dead.

    Also, most of the "solutions" in this thread only work if the support is a complete retard. If you walk in thier you are as good as dead and Assassins never get the assassination before the turret and I (support) kill them. If you want to beat it, the trick is going to the other side and killing the firebase, Assaults do this the best. If I am not healing the turret, I am healing my gunner and he dies fairly quickly without heals. Morters completely wreck the firebase as well and have a very good chance of killing the Support in such a tight area. The trick is to never actually go into the tunnel.

    Also, if 2 of the 6 players on the team are there, then that means they aren't doing their job at the base. Really i do this for shits and giggles.
    Last edited: September 2, 2010
  18. breischl

    breischl New Member

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    Not entirely true. I usually place my turret so that it can fire on enemy bots right after they spawn. Depending on where you put it, they may even stop to engage it and it'll kill them. Couple that with airstrikes to suppress any turrets on that side, and you can push the entire lane from that spot. You can sometimes even bog down their jackbots there, which is just great.
  19. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    If the firebase is in range to die and your team doesn't kill it, they really just don't care that their turrets are dieing. The trick is to kill the Firebase first but you need to do from one of the openings and not from inside the tunnels. Also, Jackbots are the biggest threats here.

    Ugggg so much editing!!!!!!! Also as soon as the support leaves the tunnel to kill other turrets, you have an extremely good chance to kill. Gunner's slam, and Charge 3 do wonders to keep him from getting back into the tunnel. Also, Assaults bombs are great for ringing out the gunner. Just make sure they are in the inside wall of the tunnel.
  20. breischl

    breischl New Member

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    If you place it on a diagonal from the door then it can't be seen from the catwalks but can still shoot at the bots. That makes it harder to kill.

    I agree that if the other team are not idiots, then you can't have as big an effect. But then, that's true of anything. :) And if you've got them tied up defending there instead of doing something else, then you're doing OK.

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