Being a level 99 sucks sometimes. And quitters.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by An Artic Fox, November 10, 2010.

  1. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    Being a Level 99 sucks sometimes. The lower levels see you and run in fear. Some wait to see if your on thier team and if not they leave. In game I laugh at how I'm doing my thing with my shotgun they switch to support to out shotgun me I kill them then they quit. Why do people quit so quick? I play with friends so we use teamwork mabye that why? cause randoms are stuck on the CoD way of doing things, you know the : forget teamwork i want kill death ratio! I just want kills! Then when they go for thier kills they get teamed up and leave cause "we suck cause I was triple teamed" or before they quit they try to change class to get revenge on the best player. So...instead of trying to play the game you quit simply cause you couldnt work as a team? Really if people would suck up thier pride and work as a team blowouts would not happen as much! Also I've face high level known players (example A Patch of Blue) and i kill them. they leave. I have notice almost all the known players leave once a lower level person kills them. I suppose its pride and that they think they are the best. I only quit out of matches thet pit me with lvl 20 and under randoms against a team of 6 99's or if theres an absurd amout of lag. Also I now would like to adress quitters. There really should be a penalty for quitting a match cause it ruins the fun and leaves the team you quit short! Why do people quit? Cause most of them dont wanna ruin thier kill death ratio. I understand quitting when the enemy team is right out side your spawn doors but quitting just cause somone is better is downright stupid. So thoughts anyone?
  2. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Ahhhh, level 98 bliss. Maybe I'll just not rank up ;)
  3. BigMoneyBill

    BigMoneyBill New Member

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    lvl 27 FTW, noobs run in fear of how 1337 my skillz r!

    i love fighting 99s they bring more of a challenge than that guy who just sits there in the spawn and does taunts because he just learned how to.
  4. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Thought I might comment on your new sig, since it has to do with 99's and quiting. This may come as a surprise, but I actually lose games from time to time. In fact, since I typically like to go solo and I actively seek out matches that are uneven not in my favor, I lose games pretty often. Especially when there are three experienced level 99 partied up players on one team, and me and a bunch of randies on the other.

    Also, I didn't quit that game, the host quit. I don't know why you would assume I was the host. In the same way that I search out challenging games, I also avoid being host. Occasionally when I do pull host I might play two or three games, but that's it, and this wasn't one of those occasions.

    What's funny is that I pretty much do the opposite of rage quitting. When I have a bad game or two I might want to quit out and find a different lobby or go do something else, but if time allows I'll stick it out until I play a good game (or the host quits out).

    EDIT/ADDENDUM: Also, I would welcome playing you guys again. In fact, if you can round up a few more, I'm sure I could throw together a team of whoever is on and we could have us a good old fashioned private match throw down.
  5. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    Meh, I just play cause I love the game. Even when I'm losing I try to find the fun angle, such as crazy ragdolls or grappling Juiced players when I'm obviously going to die. I'm not the best at anything, but that might be because I'll play any class. The only time I quit mid-game is when my connection to the host is terrible and I can't hit anything (or the obvious host migration failures).
  6. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    PohTayToes, I totally agree with your signature.
  7. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    fox, you sure talk A LOT about how k/d isnt important, yet you post two k/ds in your sig and have a guide on how to play the shotgun support.

    ps, potatoes, if the match happens, im in, as is midget i would assume.
  8. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    if they add a feature in that where you leave games you lose something i will hate it..being Australian i shouldn't have to stay in a game where my connection is that bad i struggle to move.....and if i leave oh whats that you wanna leave? BAM punishment for leaving something where other people could help my team more. gears 2 did it and everyone in AUS hated it because we never found good games its stupid to punish people for leaving.
  9. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    My group and I, all level 90 or higher, just played 8 matches. Of those 8, only 2 actually went back to lobby. Hosts kept ragequitting, including one satisfying victory where we went up against a team of gold armor Gunners, one of whom had host, and got slaughtered on Steel Peel because of constant Gunar snipan. Game went into overtime, we were already on their moneyball. Host dropped before the game went out to lobby (L2P host guy). A lot of other level 99 players ragequit, too when they're being forcefully penetrated, so keep that in mind.

    I almost wish the game would penalize people for quitting after deaths or after their moneyball goes into the red, locking them out of matches for a set period a la Halo, but I have a feeling that might split the playerbase in half (because half of MNC players are ragequitters). :/

    Perhaps, in later DLC updates, Uber could add a Protip that states that if you ragequit, it still saves your ghastly K/D you bk randy nubcake.
    Last edited: November 10, 2010
  10. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    When I play with my friends, I have fun because of all the stupid **** we always do, and we just have fun playing the game. When I play solo, I have fun because I really have to work to win games. I also realize that some people would just like to win with a minimum of effort, and when that doesn't happen, they are likely to quit. Seeing another 99 in the room to me suggests that that person will at least know how to play the game properly, but might not be the best player. I enjoy playing against 99s because they know how to play the game.

    My point being that I like to see 99s, because I know that game is going to be somewhat challenging, but others don't like to see 99s because they enjoy a more relaxed game, and if they want to leave, let them.
  11. vintoks

    vintoks Member

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    I agree with Billy.

    I solo a lot and if I get hammered by some other 99's all the better I enjoy the challenge.
  12. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    Ever notice how when you're in a lobby of almost all 99s, and you've got some good team games going, that there's almost always a random pair of split screeners that are way out of their league and still stay in the lobby?

    And Arctic Fox: that post was some of the dumbest **** I've read in a long time.
  13. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    Most people quit cause they aren't having fun, and having fun is the point of any game.
  14. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Speaking of which, I thought it was funny that I ran into you guys (you, Hudson, Dead Stretch, and Greggyyyy) whilst running solo. First time I had to go uber-turtle in a looong time. Was a bit rusty, but it was a fun match. Kept you guys at bay for the most part, until Greggyyyy started bursting full of the Juices and Dead Stretch used one of my lovely teammate's level 2 Lazer Blazers to obliterate EVERYTHING.

    Kinda sucks that I didn't get to meet up with anyone tonight, but still a fun game. It's cool to be challenged every once in a while.
  15. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    The host quit the other night? I was the host then. I didnt quit You laged out most likley. also the three you saw me mercenary and...who was the third again? i cant remember. those are like the only three we have. very rarely will we have more. Out of respect I'll remove it from my sig.
  16. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    Im showing my best scores. The guide is there for people who like to be offensive. I mainly use my rushing support when I'm with randoms as we all know randoms dont know what team work is. If I'm with people I communicate with I dont care if go 4 kills to 35 deaths. Can't a guy show a little pride in his skill?
  17. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    99's usually quit because a friend wants to join the party. If you don't leave and start a MNC party then people start getting split up. Just because Patch or anyone else 'famous' leaves, it doesn't mean they've rage quit.

    There are other reasons.... such as laggy games or people on your team who aren't playing (or might as well not be playing).
  18. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    ...and some just rage quit, like me :p

    Mostly just against snipers. Come out of your base, you campy little [censored]! I used to rage against Gunners too, but then I learned how to play Gunner better. I'll also probably rage if they take out our turrets in the first 60 seconds and my team mates haven't taken theirs out (I tend to play defensive support) :shock:
  19. Organous

    Organous Member

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    I have no problem with people leaving the game when they're behind. This game has huge positive feedback (aka "slippery slope") to it, and I would love to be able to simply concede the game.

    I've definitely encountered this phenomenon of fear, though I've fortunately been able to escape it for a while due to technical weirdness (managed to get myself back in the 70s now). There's definitely good reason for it. It's not fun to be completely destroyed, especially when you are incapable of identifying what went wrong. It's always in your best interest to play against people of similar skill level and graduate up over time.
    Of course, the lead still is not necessarily insurmountable. I'm still mentally celebrating my team's victory over Sigmar's this morning. He went 43-5, but we still ended up getting the win. I just avoided the guy altogether once I realized I had minimal chance of actually getting him.
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Haha, yea that was pretty fun. Me and Hudson were like "look so many Lazer Blazers." A few times I was disappointed because someone destroyed one I was getting ready to "use."

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