Hi my valued software programmer from the uber team, ...it would be cool if somehow you could see that somebody is advanced or a beginner when you choose the player. ...it would be more fun when people with the same experience would play together. It would make all equal and the chances would be better to win ;-) Not like wolves and sheep as it is now!!!!
The ranked ladder is due to be added in Gamma phase and this will allow you to see the skill level of a player.
Do you think there will be a system (maybe even with the badges) that appear next to a players name in the lobby displaying their 'tier'? Maybe something similar to Starcraft II's Gold/Diamond system?
no, no, no - badges shouldn't be part of anything that someone might interpret as skill. i've got the alpha badge, so that would imply that I've got lots of experience, and by extension skill. not true. not even remotely. it's befuddling how much i manage to suck.
I didn't quite mean THOSE BADGES, but a separate group of icons that can go next to the player name to represent tier in the official ladder. Better?
As a temporary stop-gap measure, you can use the Notes mod, which allows you to make notes about players. At least that would allow you to keep track of who is out of your league and who isn't.
kind of like the ones in clash of clans, depending on your number of trophies? (like x number of trophies earned/ lost depending on rank of team mates, and enemies and number of enemy teams?) or win loss ratio? after x number of battles (say 10)
Wait for the addition of the ladder. Which we should be seeing within the next month or so. I imagine there will be a matchmaking system to go alongside it. Gonna be an excellent addition. I'd also encourage you to join a clan!