Been gone a while, what the frell have I missed?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by No-Blood, June 20, 2011.

  1. No-Blood

    No-Blood New Member

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    I dropped off of video games for a few months and then went comatose out of Game withdrawal. I just woke up and all I remember is playing the spunky cola DLC for a few days and then nada. What's happened in the last few weeks? Months?........... Years?
  2. destructamental

    destructamental New Member

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    How is this generally related to MNC?
  3. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    It's generally related to MNC because he wants to know what he has missed. EG metagame changes, new teams or anything.

    Well, mr. No-Blood, there has been a lot of ****, especially on the forums. Trolls have taken over and renowned members such as Im Hudson, Miss Informed and SXD'24 (who remembers that guy) have left both the forums AND the game.

    In game, one of the most recognizable changes is the ability to press 'Y and X for kills.' This quote was brought to you by S I G IVI A R, who apparently got really made (another old forum meme) at Assaults bombing him off the map.

    I hope I contributed well enough to this thread.
  4. Nothing2Nowhere

    Nothing2Nowhere New Member

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    other than the who/exactly, and the awesome TEG forums. not much.
    welcome back, and suck it :)

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