BEATIFUL... uber solution to OT juice rush

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by NotFrank, August 30, 2010.

  1. NotFrank

    NotFrank New Member

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  2. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Juiced Snipers are still overpowered against a Moneyball. Instead of balancing Juice and fixing OT they only made OT require more juiced players. I guess a single Assassin can still juice up and clear an entire base of turrets too. Yep, OT will be perfect now!

    EDIT: Also, it's beautiful.
  3. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    You're completely right ... they should make Overtime a tickle fight.
  4. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Don't patronize me. I clearly defined some of the major issues with juice in my post. If you have no rebuttal then please don't troll me.

    EDIT: A custom Sniper can destroy a Moneyball in ~17 seconds in regulation time. No other class even comes close to that time. That does not even take into account the OT moneyball damage bonus even if it will be reduced.
  5. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I am completely unhappy with this solution.

    This hardly fixed the problem of the first 15 minutes hardly mattering once overtime starts. This just means overtime will take a bit longer. Players will need to make another juice run if they like halved the damage (which i doubt, they do not mention what kind of reduction, if it's more than 25% i would be amazed).

    <edit> To not sound to negative, i like all the other fixes and how fast they are done. This is about my only problem with the game. Which i guess means its a super-game.
  6. NotFrank

    NotFrank New Member

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    so... how does it NOT take care of the juice rush.

    1. It is still overtime... the match needs to end. So the ball comes down and you have to attack it.

    2. Now, juicing at 5 min, 10 min, or overtime should do nearly the same damage.

    so the rest of the match does matter.

    Juice rushing was lame because two tanks, gunners, etc... would rush in and lay into the money ball while totally ignoring the turrets, team, and any semblance of defence and kill it so fast that the match was over.

    NOW the ball is just down... if you had damaged the ball before OT it will help you now.

    Juice is good anytime in the game... the problem was that in OT you could waltz in, ignore everything around you and end the match in 15 seconds.

    That won't happen anymore.
  7. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I also think this is a perfect solution to the OT problem.

    Great work Uber.

    Also, best way to stop an overtime rush:

    Have a sniper place freeze traps in all three entrances to your base. Grapple juicers when they hit the freeze traps, or laugh as all their juice time is wasted frozen in place.

    Also, just grappling juicers is super effective.

    I can guarantee an overtime win by keeping at least two people back on defense during overtime. Juicers don't pay any attention to other pros so its easy to grapple and deny them their mindless rushing anyways.
  8. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    If I'm forced to stop patronizing people, my post count is going to suffer ;)

    What I'm trying to point out is that regardless of changes that are made, not everyone will be happy. Unfortunately (namely, for you), you are one of those people. We've all been on the end of changes we dont like, but you have to ask, is the new way better than the old way? If so, stop complaining.
  9. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    You're right, it will take 20 seconds to win in OT instead of 15. Like I said before, certain classes are blatantly overpowered against the Moneyball, this doesn't fix this issue or even address it for that matter.

    Also, it does nothing to fix the fact that a level 3 RockIt turret or LaserBlazer can be destroyed instantly while juiced by certain classes. 200+400+800=$1,400 versus $500 for juice. Add to that the fact that an Assassin can destroy multiple turrets in a single juice and where is the strategy in using turrets to stop bots? Why build an expensive turret that was advertised as a core mechanic of the game when you can simply Juice rush for less money instead?

    A 60 second cooldown on purchasing juice would help to remedy this but still allow multiple players to juice blitz if they have earned it. This would provide a strategic advantage to the team that controlled the middle of the map but also limit the ability for a single player to save up and contantly blitz the other side without having to do anything else. Isn't the point of all Gold endorsements that you start with 40% juice and can earn it more quickly in OT, not that you can buy it as often as you need?
  10. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    Personally, and I know I'm not the norm, I only use juice to refill my health when it gets low during an intense battle...
  11. faits

    faits New Member

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    Once overtime starts, an assassin can juice up by just attacking one of the million jackbots on the way to the enemy base. Between the amount of juice you spawn with in OT and how quickly the assassin earns juice by slashing away at a jackbot, not being able to buy juice (or having it on a cooldown) isn't going to do much.
  12. NotFrank

    NotFrank New Member

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    Overtime is supposed to end quick.

    Nerfing the Juice damage is all it needs.

    It's not a long ordeal. Game is basically done.

    The change makes it so that you can't ignore everything else and rush in to kill the money ball. Which is what juice rushing did.

    Now they will have to kill all of the turrets and pro's around as well.

    It's not like a juice rush early in the game was any different. It still demolished all of the expensive turrets...

    Now OT will play more like the regulation time.

    I like it.
  13. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Well then why not fix that problem too? The Sniper's juice gain rate is also incredible against Jackbots to the point where it seems unfair to the other classes. Again, just because another issue can cause problems does not mean that either should be ignored.

    EDIT: Why do Jackbots spawn at all? I have never seen an OT game be decided by the bots. It seems like Uber is trying to overcompensate by making it seem like lane pushing matters in OT or something.
    Last edited: August 30, 2010
  14. NotFrank

    NotFrank New Member

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    I just noticed my post says: BEATIFUL instead of BEAUTIFUL....

    wish I could edit that....

  15. Sunabozu

    Sunabozu New Member

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    The first question in my mind is why is so many of your games getting to OT in the first place? I feel like I'm playing a totally different game then you guys.

    If an enemy comes into your base juiced and ignores you and shoots only at the moneyball, just grapple them. Depending on your class this will either waste a lot of their juice time or just kill them via a ring out.
  16. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Trying to win in regulation when a team is turtling is quite difficult unless you are running with a full squad (and manage to end up on the same team). Most games also have quite a bit of lag so trying to grapple anything is laughable at best. That being said you are talking about defending against Pros and not bots, which is not the point of a game built around turret upgrades. If we really have a game about destroying the Moneyball directly then why not remove all of the turrets and bots? OT is TDM, while the previous 15 minutes are about lane pushing.
  17. Sunabozu

    Sunabozu New Member

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    If the enemy team turtles they give up central map control. If you keep pushing lanes and blowing up their turrets they are sinking their money into turtling while you are making more money than they are. In addition you have access to the annihilator, bullseye and the ability to buy juice. With your increased funds and juice you should be able to crack the enemy turtle.

    I guess I'm okay with OT being a mad dash for the finish because if one side hasn't won in 15 minutes something needs to end the game for them, because they obviously aren't going to do the job themselves.
  18. Qbakies

    Qbakies New Member

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    After reading so many of your posts on this forum I agree sir, you are certainly not the norm. ;)

    This is where I have to agree and disagree. It's true that you can never make everyone happy and this change will make a slight improvement to OT, but if there are still improvements to be made we should still point them out. Uber seems to take actual interest in what the community says so this is a unique opportunity to have a say in the refinement process of a game that we like. That is a welcome change from most games.

    To write this constructive criticism off as 'complaining' is a bit short-sided and from most of your other posts it surprises me that you have taken that attitude.
  19. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    I think they should start spawning blackjacks/slims at a rediculous rate come OT, but only on your teams right lane! The other lane stops spawning.

    This way it still somewhat retains the usual MNC flavor without abandoning the lane pushing playstyle.
  20. TouchFuzzy

    TouchFuzzy New Member

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    Whether or not this fix will work depends strongly upon the amount of the reduction. Personally, the solution I would like to see is only go into overtime if the health of the moneyballs is equals, such as a match where no damage is dealt either way. This seems to make more sense, since it validates the effort that went into the previous 15 minutes. A football game doesn't go into overtime just because no one has made it to 70 points yet.

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