--- Lets go shopping! --- I have found a interessting webpage. https://www.cgtrader.com/ https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=scifi unit Do you think we could use that? I'm thinking of donating some Models by licensing them for PA... Sure, primary and secondary usercolor channel needs to be adjusted first... But generally, wouldn't this be an option? + it is 3dmax + it is low polygon (lol, still high enough) + textures + it has material channel - it is not animated Would be easier then drawing ourselves, right? without texture: https://img1.cgtrader.com/items/109972/c0e9b9d61b/camera-bot-3d-model-obj.jpg a camera bot. or maybe use as high energy weapon. Or maybe buying some additional metal biome CSG?
Do you know, how many polies are acceptable? I could request a lower poly version at the creators... I wonder how difficult it is to automatically simplify the polies in 3dmax? Or... Just make the units expensive enough then,... such as introducing it as t3. So no spam and then it wont be too bad/slow.
i remember the t2 legion factories would cap around 1.5k to 2k. Also, there's not really a way to "simplify" a model to reduce polys.
Also, most of them use complex materials/textures, and while it's possible to add high-res textures in PA, there is no way to get reflections etc.
You can work and reduce the model polys any time you want in any model, problem is that you need rework all uv´s normals, difuse etc.