Battleship in a bathtub

Discussion in 'Support!' started by elstubert, June 11, 2013.

  1. elstubert

    elstubert New Member

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    I don't know if this is a problem, but it kind of bothers me. with the world the way it is most of the "oceans" are so small the ships become semi mobile defenses. The battleships are awesome. I love the way they reflect the old school TA battleships, the destroyers are neat, the subs are mostly useless because once you build a few ships you now "own" the entire body of water. This may be addressed later but the worlds that exist right now have limited disconnected oceans so Sea power is more a defense then an offense and sea battles are almost impossible.

    PLEASE don't address this by making the ranges on the ships decrease. I like them perfectly. The issue is the worlds need to be larger with some bigger oceans IMHO
  2. Genera1Failure

    Genera1Failure Member

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    Keep in mind that this alpha planet is relatively small and has only small oceans. In the future, there will be planets with large oceans or completely under water. I am fairly certain that naval units will remain powerful.
  3. elstubert

    elstubert New Member

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    That would be my hope, my fear would be that they would scale back the battleships power in the mean time.
  4. legitlobster

    legitlobster Member

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    The battleship (along with almost anything else atm) is kind of OP. But balance is not given at all at this stage and of course the current alpha planet is not the right environment to test ships on. We will soon enough be given a water planet to extensively test naval units on. But before, the basic land mechanics such as metal points need to be implemented.
  5. jkaplan

    jkaplan New Member

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    I'm concerned about the performance of the game if this is really a small planet. I have a relatively new PC, a $1500 machine thats only a year old with a 7970M GPU and I get pretty severe lag once I have a large army/base up and running. I understand that this is alpha and optimization probably hasn't been a high priority since development started, but with this much lag only dealing with one planet, I'm pretty worried about how demanding the game is going to be across multiple planets. If anything I think the current planet should be scaled down to increase the importance of spreading to multiple planets without making the game insanely demanding.

    All that said I really like how demanding the game is on the player right now. I think that competitively the game could be super difficult mechanically if players are monitoring multiple sizeable planets all with diverse situations and trying to macro and build bases simultaneously on all of them. Yeah, its a little daunting, but from a competitive/esports perspective it would be great.

    As for naval, I think something has to give. Small lakes like there are on the current planet can't exist if naval is not significantly nerfed. Those two things together create huge balance issues. Either all planets with water must have exclusively very large bodies of water (no disconnected lakes) or naval units need to be a lot less powerful with less range when attacking land units/buildings.

    Overall I feel that everything is doing too much damage right now. Almost everything dies in one shot from almost anything else. Naval units can one shot entire chunks of an army from a huge range. Even tanks die in virtually one shot ot anything besides tier 2s. Part of the issue is that land pathing isn't good yet and units consistently get bugged out and stop firing all together, but I still think damage is too high across the board.
  6. legitlobster

    legitlobster Member

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    Don't worry about performance, dude, the game is playable at good fps for many people, in alpha, this alone is almost a miracle!
    It is going to work over how many planets you choose to play on, just wait for it.
  7. elstubert

    elstubert New Member

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    Performance wise I will build a new computer to play it so long as I have a game with units that scale the whole range. It bothered me in previous iterations when a Heavy tank was close to the same as a Battleship in size and power. In TA the Battleship was a huge sink of time and resources but was unmatched for surface targets. It was vulnerable in three ways air sea and where it could travel. I think they had trouble in future versions because they had issues making large seas and vehicle pathing. I want to have to make a choice between fast and slow, cheep and expensive, air land or sea. If I have to build a battleship in a puddle then whats the point? If the ship is made smaller and weaker to accommodate sea battles in mud puddles whats the point? If this is just an alpha issue and bigger worlds are coming Great, just don't mod the ships to be floating tanks in the mean time.
  8. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Even with a low spec PC you could still get away with a large planet and a number of moons/asteroids and still have a blast.

    Just consider it an incentive for a future upgrade. ;)

    (Also a battleship that size in these small seas could just as easily be a new base defence!)
  9. jkaplan

    jkaplan New Member

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    I think its cause most people don't build bases that big. For instance last game I had over 1000 levelers and a gigantic base, over 100 advanced vehicle factories and i was literally at about 1 fps by the time I was at that point. My opponents werent really lagging but once my tanks came onto their screen they started to a lot, or at least thats what they said. Granted it will be harder to get so many units when mining is restricted to certain areas, but still when you take having a bunch of planets into account who knows.
  10. legitlobster

    legitlobster Member

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    The game is being made with thousands (and more) units in mind. Don't worry, if the engine couldn't handle it, they wouldn't be making the game they are making.
  11. jubez81

    jubez81 New Member

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    Kickstarter backers went extra mile to get naval units. Can we get a better water planet pls.

    some sort of just an idea 8vs8 so 1234 would start on one side of the planet and 5678 would be on the mirrored side.

  12. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    If I remember correctly the servers are going to do most of the a decent pc will be fine but I think as it's alpha our pcs have to handle it. So it'll be polished enough that performance issues shouldn't be a factor....I could be wrong though
  13. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Battleships have some bad data in your build. Data which makes them way over powered. Expect some drastic changes to their power soon.
    knickles likes this.
  14. elstubert

    elstubert New Member

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    No!!!! don't nerf them! Battleships must be awesome! make them weak compared to Air and sub attacks, Make them ridiculously expensive, this emulates the real thing but they should be king against surface targets!!!
  15. numptyscrub

    numptyscrub Member

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    I was loving my semi mobile artillery platforms. Although I can confirm that one battleship (with "good anti-air") easily gets owned by 4 T1 bombers. I lost 5 to a total of 15 bombers I think in one game.

    I lost way more than that to 5 "amphibious" assault bots though, after the beach pathing got changed and bots could walk on water :lol:
  16. Spinewire

    Spinewire Member

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    yea the battleships need some love they 1 hit pretty much everything and are 1 hit by pretty much everything..

    ultra glass cannons atm

    They should add a depth requirement for the T2 shipyards so you can't build them in puddles, thus limiting them to slightly larger bodies of water.

    I hope they maintain their fearsome range/power to some degree and get some more HP, not sure they should 1 hit T2 tanks tho or smash factories and other ships in 1 volly tho. Hope they don't get too gimped come patch time.
    Last edited: June 12, 2013
  17. numptyscrub

    numptyscrub Member

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    Do you think they typo'd the hitpoints as the damage and vice versa? :mrgreen:

    The joys of being at work, I can't check the game files to see which numbers in the bp are obviously broken :(
  18. Spinewire

    Spinewire Member

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    I would like to see them have a reasonable fire rate with less damage but have a shitty time trying to hit moving units. Sure if the unit stands still then they should have good accuracy but as soon as they start moving it should be pretty hard to hit anything other than massive clumps of them. Might stop smaller ships being fodder vs them as well as they can use their speed a bit to out maneuver the big bastard. Would mean you will have to use subs to deal with ships rather than it being the go to unit to smash everything it sees.

    Also can't wait till they add a fire at ground command so i can just unload into the fog of war.
  19. elstubert

    elstubert New Member

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    I like the idea of them having trouble hitting fast moving targets. Even at range against a slow moving target. Big guns are very accurate, but a moving target means they have to adjust their fire. I also think that while a destroyer should never have a chance in hell, a fleet of destroyers should be able to take one down eventually.

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