Let's try this again. If all you have to say is looks like more of exactly the same as every game since CoD4, don't reply so this won't get locked again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD9fWUUeL00
I hope they do away with the less-than-optimal spawn protection for conquest domination and derivative game-modes.
I will say this, when the Xbox 360 first came out, they were debuting King Kong. At the time, it looked amazing, especially to a scrub like me who only owned a PS2. While it's not too bad of a game, it's certaintly nowhere near the best. Graphics wise, most games don't impress me unless I see gameplay on a decent television, anything can look good if you set it up correctly, especially with scripted events. Also, I didn't like BF3 as much as I liked BFBC2 because of the building destruction. While you can destroy stuff in BF3, it wasn't as evident, so I feel like Bad Company is more of blowing **** up, and the main series is more focused on killing people. I also didn't feel like there was too much of a upgrade from BC2 to BF3, besides some new gear and weapon. Hopefully on a new console, they hit the ground running with some really nice stuff. But my opinion doesn't matter too much, I can't watch youtube videos till night time, so I've only been able to read a bit. Actually, the video got about 6 seconds in before it started to buffer, I might actually have to let this **** load, looks interesting, but I'm a sucker for obviously scripted campaign events and pop music.
Heres the forum breaking hi rez screens from the last thread that people derailed And heres a link to the 17 minute gameplay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8HVQXkeU8U
Shut up both of you, can't we have a thread not devolving into a pointless argument? OT: Graphically it's pretty but it looks to me as the same scripted events everywhere and linearity of a typical modern FPS's campaign. For the multiplayer I hope they get rid of that stupid combat zone thing where the game throws a tantrum at you for leaving 'your' area.