Battle dome. 1v1

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Drizydraker0ger, March 8, 2011.

  1. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    Think of this a map set up with high low & ground pillars with 4 jump pads. No juice machines,bots, or hazards. This place will be half of spunky cola arena. It will be a pure death match. The time limit will be set between 5 or 7 mins. Achievements will be set up. There will also be unlocks such as change color of robot icon and name. Uber can even come out with a video for it. If people like it another dlc same thing bigger place 3 on 3. What do you think of this ideal so people who want to battle can in an appropriately sized arena. I for one would love this so people can focus on wrecking their rival. I came up with the ideal when someone kept chasing me out of all my teamates it became a match between me and him. Bots and other people didn't matter just two assaults running around fighting. The battle dome will help get the death match on.
  2. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    Good idea, but to fit the MNC theme it could be tryouts. same class clones battle it out to be able to show their skill and die in front of the fans.

    But to keep it simple just make bots optional in private matches

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    If you want death match go play call of duty. Im happy with my objective thanks.
  4. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    I never liked cod. To easy to kill people i never saw the skill in it. Like if i caught the drop on you 90 % of the time your screwed. I'm saying that could be a nice addon to dlc. I applaud cod for having people who were able employ alot of game sin one. Wanting to kill deathmatch,free for all,capture the flag,hq. I mean you shoot down the ideal of a specialized 1v1 battledome dlc then ok sure. Lets get nothing and just drop the ball anyway no death match for the people that want it.

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    Does anyone want a death match mode? Its been done to death so to speak, its a very stale game type.

    If its brownie points you are after then come up with something original and send it to the devs, but dont be up tight when i say i dont want death match because ive played every cod and every other popular game and all the game types turned out to be deathmatch in the end simply because people got more xp for getting a bunch of kills instead of capping objectives. People already farm kills on this game, if they get death match then i promise the player mentality will be just for kills even in crossfire.

    Just my opinion based on my experience.
  6. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    How about a life match mode where all weapons are replaced with large feathers and we ride around on rainbow farting unicorns and French tickle each other earning laughter points. The team with the most laughter points wins. I forgot where I was going with this. GRAND PRIZE.
  7. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    I'm pretty sure I agree with this.
  8. abbyclark12

    abbyclark12 New Member

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    I am a bit wild..
    I want to expand your idea on larger scale..
    I want to break all bones of my rival; ripped his chest and to hell drag him all across the globe..
    If I can be permitted may be I can make my own virtual inflatable domes structures [just an inspiration]
    because revenge has no agenda and limit.
    anyways! we have lol limitations of layouts.
  9. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    All jump pad kills. No guns, no skills. The only way to kill an opponent is to nudge them as they enter a jump pad, throwing them off course to their deaths. Hilarity ensues.

    Make it CTF, and make the map a giant structure that you have to climb through a maze of interwoven jump pad paths.
  10. skayeyeelel

    skayeyeelel New Member

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    Agreed, Bring on the Battledome... that would certainly shut some people up as far as "WHOS THE TOP WHAT"
  11. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    Eh... aren't you the one who usually claims best assault?
  12. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    Unless you were to have mirror battles in terms of classes, it would be incredibly boring. The only really interesting matchup would be Assault vs Assault.

    - Assassins would be worthless in this.
    - Supports would have to resort to sitting on their firebase, which would be boring to play as or against.
    - Assuming this map isn't very big, Snipers would suck.
    - Against Gunners as a Tank/Assault, all you'd try to do is keep as much distance from them as possible. Boring.
    - Assault vs Tank could be interesting if the Tank had very good railgun ability, but even then...

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