I am making this small guide for the newer Support players. I see too many Supports not doing thier jobs right, so here are some notes. Weapons: Heal/Hurt gun: Range: Hard to judge. It seems random to me. Damage: fairly low. depends on Rate of fire. Rate of fire does affect healing speed. Mostly use this for healing other Pros ad damage turrets. Can overheal both turrets and pros. ALWAYS heal Pros who are low on health with the exception of badly damage turrets in your base. Do NOT constantly stay attached to fire bases when injured pros are nearby , you are a Support after all. The hurt aspect of this is really good for hard to hit targers such as jumping assassins, sniper or Assaults as it latching onto them and suck the health right from them and gives it to you. Shotgun: Range: Close. Lag makes it seem to have ridiculous range. Damage: High. Depends on how close and how many pellets hit the target. Can one shot no armor Assassins. Use the shotgun for protection. There are times to use it on the ofensive. Good for getting Assassins to back off and to attacking careless Pros. Skills: Hack: Your most important skill as a Support! Hacking a turret will add the following effects. 1: Increse the range a turrets lock onto a bot or pro. 2: increases the rate of fire of the turrets (firebases are the exception to rate of fire I think) The three levels have effects as well. level one hack is slow and slightly increases the range and rate of fire. level two is faster to hack and add mroe range and rate of fire. level 3 is a quick hack ad adds huge range and rate of fire. Slow/Medium regen time. Airstrike: The best way to remove pesky firebases also if you aim them right can stick to pros and instantly kill them when the airstrike hits them , unless they move under a bridge. Really the only thing about levels are is they add more airstrikes..and i think make the blast radius get larger. Slow regen time. Firebase: A handy little tool,Firebases are best used to area denial and map control. These can be hacked. the three levels are as followed. Level one: Small low health turret. fairly low damage. level two: The most common fire base medium health and medium power firebase. level three: Medium/High health medium/high damage firebase. Adds a healing ray for friendly pros who are nearby. Basic stratagy: Mostly stay around your base keeping turrets you or your teammates build in top shape. hack and heal turrets. if you have time throw a fire base in a choke point such as the middle of a map to buy time and mabye get a few kills.
tl;dr sit in base and heal turrets for juice. when you earn juice, go shotgun some guys. on your way back to base, drop firebase in an anti-pro only location. rinse/repeat.
Grec, must you continually remind us how young you are? Vortex, I agree with your statement 110%. Play as offensively as the other team will allow.
When playing support, you have to learn to play offense and defense at the same time. This is accomplished very easily through turrets and a firebase. When I start out playing a game as support, I immediately run to a place where I can lay down a firebase as near to the middle of the map as I can and still be safe. Mid-map firebases will be both offensive and defensive because they keep pros from stepping out of their side of the map, and it will attack any pros or bots who get in its range. After upgrading myself to a full lvl 2, I build a rocket turret, and I will hack it if I feel like hacking would help my objectives. If the bot lanes are split, build 2 rocket turrets and keep them hacked. If your FB dies, place it in a new location and drive the enemies back. If the front node on Spunky Cola is hacked and upgraded to 3.3 it will be both offensive and defensive because it pushes enemies out of your territory, and it destroys anything in its range. Finally, I build a longshot. I upgrade it to level three and hope it doesn't die. Its primary job is to weaken or destroy the enemy bots, leaving your rocket turrets open for pro domination. After building up turrets, I will upgrade myself completely and juice. I do really well with this strategy, just ask Ultim4t3 Ninja. The other day I went 22-??-2 with this strategy. My two deaths were from juicing the moneyball in OT.
wait, I thought you quit playing. No hostility here, I played with Don, Hellking and Patch earlier and they said you quit.
I did for a good while, but this game is like crack...also I learnd to control my rage. and I rarely do as much as curse when something stupid happens.
If u have a crappy support, then yes, sometimes all they are good for is an overheal and the occasional airstrike. I heal and overheal every chance I get, but I get irritated when players TELL me to heal them. I can understand if you're on fire and behind me, by all means, let me know. If I'm healing my firebase while it's suppressing bots and being fired on, don't stand there meleeing me thinking I'm going to come off my firebase. Maybe if you put some lead in the air in the general direction of whomever is attacking my firebase, I'll hook you up. I do what best helps my team win at that moment. Keeping my teammates alive is always high priority, but sometimes, keeping a turret up to maintain a little map control could have me too tied up to heal someone. A lot of players assume that nobody knows how to play support. I'll admit, 90% of the Support players I come across are awful.
if you are making a push with a good gunner, the last thing you should be worried about is someone attacking your firebase.