Balance Suggestions

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by lokarno, July 13, 2014.


Do you feel that right now there is no efficient way to defend against "backstabs" ?

Poll closed August 12, 2014.
  1. Yes, indeed there should be better ways to protect your assets.

  2. No, i think you are wrong.

  1. lokarno

    lokarno New Member

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    I am a new player around the metal block. (ha.........ha....cough)

    Mostly played in GALACTIC WAR(read with deep voice) and few multi battle. And I happen to believe that i know the recipe to make this game better.

    Right now i would call this game as Planetary Assassination. The reason is because now it is enough to broke the enemy perimeter at a single point to end the game. And this perimeter is most likely a 360 degree circle. It does not matter how many tanks, buildings, aircraft... they have, if you can get a single vanguard tank to the enemy commander then it is done. And there are other ways also..
    I happened to be lucky last time and i was able to "backstab" my strong opponents, so their forces could not react in time and vanguards got into their base...

    So here is what is propose:

    Prevent assassination, base demolition by few units and support defensive gameplay too:
    • Increase the commander's health to at least double.
    • Increase the commander's speed.
    • Provide a game option where you can check whether or not a player loose when the player's commander is destroyed
    • Make the vanguard tank slower.
    • Better radar range
    • Voice warning on larger incoming forces entering the radar perimeter
    • A key that displays radar perimeter. (intelligence is very important to prevent assassinations)
    • Increase every building's health.
    • Increase the range and of advanced anti aircraft towers.
    • Increase range and damage of advanced anti tank towers.
    • Repairing towers or regenerating buildings.
    • Client side setting that places wall automatically around towers
    • Advanced walls that can hold a vanguard group for a minute or so

    So the overall goal of my suggestions is to make the outcome more dependent on the player's strategy rather than the his/her tactical gameplay (How he handles small groups of units).

    Thanks for reading

    (The vote will close in 30 days.)
    Last edited: July 13, 2014
  2. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    What I think about this is:
    -don't need to double the health, you can just nerf both damage and life for "everything" and get the same result
    -probably not a good Idea
    -don't need to be priority
    -No, just speed up others units
    -at this stage, no, when we get bigger planets, we can start talking about this
    -no, can be pretty anoying if some one enter and exit the radar range because he is micromanaging a battle
    -No, why not make like supcom?
    -why not both AA
    -can be a good idea, then every one would start to build Arty
    -only regen...
    -again, don't need to be priority
    -NO! is better to nerf the Vanguard
  3. nick2k

    nick2k Active Member

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    These suggestions seems more of an indirect nerf to the vanguard. The problem with most of these is that the t1 ground units would be basically useless.

    P.S. Welcome to the forums :D
  4. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    just remember that when you change something in PA to try and balance for something, you will also get....unexpected results.
    take for instance Commander Health, cool, helps avoid those annoying nuke/gunship snipes. However if it were doubled i would feel fine taking my commander through the enemy base and destroy all his fabricators with less worry then i would have now.
  5. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    The most serious problem in this game right now is the overpowered and upgraded nature of Advanced. You make advanced be a specialized choice, things get easier.
  6. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Welcome to the forums - thanks for the constructive post.

    For your future reference, the 'backstab' you're referring to is commonly referred to as "Commander sniping" - often simply shortened to "sniping". It's a common tactic in the Assassination game mode which is currently the only game mode available.

    Other game modes will likely be available later on :)
  7. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    You mean...


    cwarner7264 likes this.
  8. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Of course!
  9. lokarno

    lokarno New Member

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    Thx for the responses and the feedback. If the current gamemode would be one from many then that would be good news of course.

    In the previous derivatives of TA you could mostly defend yourself from Korean micromanage masters with the good old defense line(annihilators, heavy laser, LLT...). Those games offered a more strategy oriented, more varied, more intellectual gameplay than other real time strategies. You had the time to think, adapt and plan your moves 30 min ahead... Here the AI will rule, as soon as they program the necessary algorithms so the AI will attack from every direction with small, yet powerful groups of units, that can level your base, and kill your commander. If you can't outmicromanage the AI or the similar minded players you will loose. That is why i think that automatic defense mechanisms and buildings should be more powerful compared to mobil damage. So you can still focus on the strategy achieving victory step by step.
  10. lokarno

    lokarno New Member

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    I am not sure if the world is deterministic(Schrödigger?, Schölrigger?, Schöndagger?....whatever), but the world of PA is certainly that :) So if you know all the variables then the result can be calculated and expected in theory. In practice ppl are lazy, so you might be right after all :p.

    Staying at your example, more powerful stationary towers could prevent early commander rush. And the fact that your early economic progress is not so good without the commander should increase the risk of this action. But i get your thoughts even if this example was not the best.
  11. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    • Com is too squishy ATM, +1.
      -1, coms should be slow enough that they can't just run away from a strike force.
      Already planned.
      All tanks are too fast for my taste ATM, +1, but decrease speed of all tanks down to 8.
      -1, radar is too cheap and has too much range for too little cost as is.
      Not balance related.
      Hold control.
      Are you INSANE?! There's already waaaaaay too much babysitting of tanks when you're attacking hostile structures. The last thing we need is more.
      -1, these are fine as is.
      It's called having a fabber do it.
      It's already in with the hotbuild mod. Hold alt.
      Try building more walls. There are enough direct upgrades as is.


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