Bacon Wins Games. (Bacon + Juice + Asn shuriken = LOL)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Im Hudson, September 3, 2010.

  1. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Playing on Steel Peel, my friend and I were getting pounded by the other team. I had about 20 turret kills at this point as the Asn, but we could not push at all for whatever reason. The enemy money ball was at 100% and ours was at 50%.

    The other team had one of those really bad, yet annoying Asns who only went for grapples and always died right after. The mascot spawned and she was going to town on him by herself, so I backstabbed her while I could. Bullseye died right after, and I look down to see a piece of bacon.

    I quickly snatched it up, and smoke bombed up on top of the glass shielding that lines the back entrance to the enemy base, which gives you a perfect vantage point of the money ball, and turrets, albeit from a very long distance away. I had juice, so I blew it and MELTED all of the rightside turrets in about 4 vollys total. It was absolutely insane. Some how we got the shields down, and I hopped back up there with purchased juice again and MELTED the money ball from 80% to dead in something like 7-10 vollys. The enemy team started to shoot at me while I was up there, but they noticed me too late. The only other team mates of mine in the base were bots. I've never seen a money ball melt so fast from so few sources of damage.

    I know good Asns will juice ninja snipe the money ball, but doing it with Bacon feels almost BROKEN.

    TLDR: Bacon Wins Games. :)
  2. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    Bacon is so rare that it's supposed to be ridiculously OP. At least it only lasts one life.

    And about the assassin melting down the money ball while juiced with bacon, try that with a sniper.... 1 clip is all it takes. :shock:
  3. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Teamwork wins games. Had a decent Support been on defense, you'd have been killed while attacking the first turret.

    Bacon is too rare to matter, and it's an instant "gang rape" badge when someone on the other team picks it up. It's smarter to destroy the other team before the JackBots or Bullseye spawn.
  4. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I got bacon 7 times by level 40 or so. Only actually realized it once.

    Now I'm at level 87, and my bacon total is still just 7.. 7 bacons, 130 or so MVPs..
  5. Sakori

    Sakori New Member

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    I got my first bacon at level 7.

    Currently level 71 (789k money)

    Still on one bacon, 118 MVP, though :)
  6. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    While I don't disagree with the team work part, what would a support have done here while I was killing the first turret with a range attack? I'm very very much out of all of his ranges, and he would not be able to hit me with an air strike without walking vert close to me. My damage would chew through any healing as well.
    Also, the point of this post was to show the power of this wonderful random power up if properly used. Sry for any typos in this reply as I'm on an iPhone.
  7. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Overhealed, hacked base turrets and calling your position out to a Sniper or Gunner.

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