Basketball has the NBA championship. Baseball has the World Series. Football has the World Cup. American Football has the Super Bowl. Monday Night Combat needs to have a Bacon Bowl. Discuss.
What would make a Bacon Bowl special, though? Hmm... Neutral turret nubs? Bots spawning near the center? The game is fixed in overtime mode? Bot strength increases as time goes on, a la Blitz mode? Ejectors everywhere? Instant respawn with a very short distance between moneyballs? All attacks are criticals? Bacon is constantly being dropped inside the spawn areas? Players have infinite money, but earn money towards their career total like normal? All pros are replaced by Pitgirl with the appropriate weapons for the class? All pros are replaced by Bullseye with the appropriate weapons for the class?
I don't think the game-play should change. It's not like during the Superbowl you can't throw a forward pass or Punting is no longer allowed, so I'm not sure why the rules would change for an MNC Bacon Bowl either. I was thinking rather that it'd be like the final match in an MNC Tourney that would be broadcasted live or something, with funny fake commercials for Spunky Cola and whatnot. I don't know, just thinking out loud.
This would not have to have any gameplay changes, it is simply and bigger game. Mickey Canter would have to be louder than ever, and be excited. However the term bacon bowl has to go. Tukey Bowl and Super Bowl to many of these bowls. I say it should be called something like a Baconthon or Combat Mania! I can hear Mickey right now "Hello sportsfans welcome to this years COMBAT MANIAAAAAAA" yah i should be checked for stupid
Haha I hadn't thought of that. It'd be awesome if they could get the VO artist to do a live commentary making fun of the players/plays or something.
If enough people are interested, I might just organize it myself. It'd be a 12 game single-elimination playoff. Each elimination match would be best of 5 rounds. Done only once a year with the winners being crowned Baconmanics and getting a custom sig/avatar/protag or something like that?
^this id love a game mode or a custom private option like this. this would replace overtime if i could have this. i am quite happy with overtime. but bots slowly building up to stronger and faster bots would be awesome. still a 20 minute game, just more frantic throughout. like it goes from 1 blackjack and 2 slims, to 3 blackjacks in 8 minutes. then to stronger blitz-versions of blackjacks. eventually they would overwhelm normal turrets, making pro participation vital and better teamwork to successfully defend and attack. and perhaps this would be overpowered for supports, but i think it might work. sorry for stealing the thunder of the original topic. please carry on?