Hello People i really love the game but something just makes me always stop playing this game and piss me off. The game needs auto balancing meaning to balance players experience to be almost even in every team it happens too often that i get stuck with alot of low levels or better said noobs in one team and other team full of level 40 and up. Which makes the game pretty much unplayable since your team cant hold up with the other and the game ends fast. And if that doesnt gets fixed i really dont see much reason to keep playing the game since it will just make me frustrated.
The problem with attempting a balance system like that is that it will sometimes be wrong, since level or other stats often don't tell the whole story. If it creates bad teams once, it will create the same bad teams over and over until people leave, so there's no reason to stick around. At least if it's random, you have some hope that it'll be better in the next game. The issue should also start to lessen on its own as more people get used to the game, and the skill levels even out. Right now there are a lot of new players mixing with people who already learned all the ins and outs playing on 360
I see what you're saying... however... YOU TELL ME: how many lvl 60-99s do you see acting like lil' noobs? :roll: I'd rather have people who have lvl'd up in the game (meaning they have played the game and know how it works) rather than 4-5 lvl 1-10s, which most likely is going to be a new player not understand how any of the classes work (like assassin) and make the WHOLE team aggravated. Understand?
I am in complete agreement with this thread. Seriously. I have played Monday Night Combat for around 20 or so hours in the last few days, and I have won maybe 2-3 games out of easily 30-40 or more. Some games were really close - and so I'll discount them, but I'd say at least 15-20 or so of my losses were imbalanced right off the bat - with scenarios where the majority of my team was under l30, and their were mainly in their 50s, some where it would be me and a level 0 against 3 level 40s, and today, me and random players under 30 against team after team of the same 4 players nearing 100. On a couple of servers, even the constantly winning players were getting annoyed because the games were too easy, and today some players even thought the system was bugged because it was always putting the 4 highest players together, versus me. I think sorting out an algorithm to even the levels can't go wrong. Sure, games may still be unbalanced (and yes, level doesn't always equal skill), but I think as a whole most games will be far more balanced, and if they're still a touch one-sided, they'll at least be closer. Please let me win some games again! T_T lol
That's what I'm talking about. If the algorithm makes a bad choice, it will make that same bad choice over and over. Purely random would sometimes be better. Uber said a long time ago for the 360 version that they do use some sort of balancing algorithm that works in some non-obvious way. They might use the same thing on PC..
The other problem, which I think is more concerning, is that Hotshots always get the new player when teams are even... or when games start with uneven teams, the 'shots get an extra man. IMO, one extra player (assuming they're not a L1 newb who just stepped into the online arena) is what makes the biggest difference, not high-ranking players. If I play well, I can hold back several people on a lane - but I can't push them back. When I invariably make a mistake they'll punish me handily for it. Then we'll lose.
What ends up happening is half the players on losing team will leave. I'd like to see some spectator slots so players can jump in if there's leavers.
That too would be awesome. Mind you, I've often resorted to the ChangeTeam console command to even things up. So far, I've only ever changed to the Ice Men. Anyway, I've been told that Col. has spoken to Scathis about this - back to talking about auto balancing before I drag this too far off-topic.
I did. The problem is most likely that we have a high player fluctuation between matches and many stats don't represent the players skill. (I can't imagine there are a lot of snipers with a K/D ratio <1...) Besides, a player might play a class he's not good at and things get screwed up further. Still, Uber should try to improve team balance as much as possible. I think there is still room for improvement atm.