Player with name "Rock-AA" was using an auto-aim hack tonight. To make things worse, I kept running into him in whichever server I joined. I'm fairly sure it was a hack because about 3 people ran out of cover to shoot him and were killed; when one went down, his character just lined up its aim perfectly with the next. Like 14 kills and zero deaths for him, matches lasted less than 2 minutes. Could someone get this kid off the game? If only THIS would happen more often.
Yes I was with him tonight as well, he was speed hacking all over the place as an assault. I second the motion.
He's a confirmed hacker. I wish they would ban him already. It's ******* annoying. Anyone with AA in their name or in their club tag is a supporter of the aim hacks.
some of these guys have already been banned from a number of servers, it's up to the individual server admins to do it though
AA stands for "Auto-Aim" and doesn't mean they use hacks. They are a popular sniper guild in TF2 and CS, most of them are very good snipers that indeed don't hack. I don't know if this guy hacked or not, just giving you the info
One of the devs confirmed he in fact IS a hacker, he was even posing as one of the devs in a server apparently. See this thread: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=5518
These guys aren't part of a 'sniper guild.' They're part of a cheat community called artificial aiming.
I played TF2 since beta and there was a sniper guild called -AA- for Auto Aim. Like I said, this guy was proven a hacker, I was just giving my 2c