Hi there, I just wanted to try out how PA would cope with the CPU being overloaded with background tasks, so I setup two media encoding tasks to run while playing PA. The encoders were given high priority and took up 99% of my 4 CPU cores and roughly 70% of the available RAM (8 gb). Now - I was expecting a crappy gaming experience after that ... but "no". PA ran flawlessly and I was able to play the game to completion. The graphics were smooth and the game fully responsive. I guess the only thing that didn't work was the A.I. ... I was playing "1 on 1", me against an enemy A.I. which didnt accomplish much during the game. It just built 5 structures and sat still waiting for me to finish it off. Perhaps the A.I. engine suffered from the high CPU load while the rest of the game-engine ran smoothly? Anyways ... I just wanted to share the finding. I think its awesome it worked at all! Didn't expect that! Thanks for an awesome game - keep up the good work! Best regards Michael / Denmark
the unit pathfinding and interactions calculations run on a server... great find. try loading GPU next time.
The entire game engine/sim runs on the server. When the game is released the server will be merged with the game and run locally (all the game sim and all will run client side on your machine for offline play), and at that point when the server runs locally on your machine loading the cpu will cause the sim to slow down.
I'm guessing that because the renderer uses a only 1 thread on the cpu that is causing your performance issues. The FX6300 suffers in single thread test.. But if you can attach a DxDiag.txt here i will look to see if i can help suggest ways to improve performance on your system .
Ah I see. I can't get the DxDiag right now because I'm not on my main PC. I assume that the game will be optimised to use more than one core on launch (although probably not all six!) so thanks for the information.
Yea I was playing a 10 AI FFA and it was lagging hard while my computer was not working much at all. It would be nice if there was an option to run the beta offline.