Attack/ Defend Mode

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Disturbance24, January 4, 2011.

  1. Disturbance24

    Disturbance24 Member

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    I've sort of had this idea in my head about a modified crossfire/blitz mode. The defensive team would have a moneyball to defend like normal, but they would have no bot spawns and their objective would be to survive until the end of the match. The offensive team's objective would be to push their bots in order to take out the defense team's moneyball. I'm not 100% sure how maps would be designed to accommodate this, but I think it has some good potential of providing a new interesting game mode for MNC. So what is your guys' opinion on this? Constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.
  2. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Basically the same but one team has no bots -_-
  3. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Attack/defend modes have worked out fine in other games. A single moneyball Crossfire game would work out well, provided the maps were fairly balanced for both teams.
  4. Disturbance24

    Disturbance24 Member

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    The idea I had would be that the annhilator of the map would be biased the defense team to clean out the offensive push quickly if they manage to hold it. However it should be possible for a clever offensive team to deny the defense an instant momentum chnage. The way I envision it, the defense would have more turret nodes than usual and start with 4 rockit turrents. The offesnive team would have 4 bot spawns divided evenly between 2 paths to the moneyball and no turret nubs. Offense would have more starting money and could possibly get more money per pro or turret kill due to having to rely on them solely for cash. Other balancing ideas include giving offense longer re spawn times than defense, and having a juice machine biased towards their side to help break through tough defensive positions. I apologize for any discrepancies in my explanation and hope this better clarifies what I had in mind.
  5. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    ...Somehow I never bothered taking the Annihilator into consideration for an attack/defend gametype. The Annihilator would represent a ridiculously massive advantage for the defenders :| I'm not sure how that can even be balanced at all for an attack/defend gametype.

    Eh...I should just give myself a mantra for the three pillars of the game so I don't forget again. Bots, turrents, and pros! Bots, turrents, and pros! Bots, turrents, and pros!

    *hides in a corner of shame*
  6. AtomGone

    AtomGone New Member

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    Attack/Defend could only work if there were neutral territories really.

    But that's a whole other can of worms if you ask me.
  7. Disturbance24

    Disturbance24 Member

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    How would they work in your opinion? I'm not sure how they'd function.
    @Wandrian Wvlf
    Now that you mention it, an Annihilator would definitely make the defense WAY overpowered against the offense. Perhaps a few well placed ejectors could be an alternative.
  8. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Search and Destroy from CoD? That would be cool....not exactly the same, but another gamemode would be nice.
  9. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Aw, how about this for a twist to make an A/D mode work? The Annihilator's still in play, but only the defenders can use it and they only get one use from it? I think this way the defenders still have the option of making a really epic defensive/counteroffensive(as much as a counteroffensive would be useful in an A/D mode at least) with the assistance of the Annihilator: but just once.
  10. Disturbance24

    Disturbance24 Member

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    Sounds like a solid idea. Perhaps it should be available from the beginning as well? Another aspect of it was thinking about were the bot spawns. As I said before, the attacking team would have four spawns instead of the usual two. Also, whenever Jackbots spawn, offense would recieve two of them to compensate for the defenders more fortified position.
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I came up with an idea for an Attack/Defend game mode of sorts. More like a king of the moneyball though.

  12. Typical Knave

    Typical Knave New Member

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    I think something with neutral territories would be a good idea for the game but it might be a bit too much for an arcade title to deal with. I would envision something like Onslaught from UT (where each team has a main base and can capture other nodes(moneyballs?) outside the base which when active keep the main moneyball from being vulnerable to damage) This might not be totally feasible for any more than 3-5 total moneyballs at a time but I think would help the attack/defend mechanic you're thinking of here.

    I think the annihilator should only be active(and usable in their base) of a team that has been pushed back to their final node. I think that would help balance pushes. I can envision problems with bot pathfinding though in a game mode like this as the coding to ensure bots are being pushed to the "correct" moneyball to capture might be a headache.

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