I've never seen this happen before up until this patch, but I've lost two games now from it. I've picked up my commander with an Astraeus only to have it shot down by an enemy ASF plane. I thought it was a glitch and my commander died for no reason until I saw the replay and watched a fighter swoop in and shoot it down. I was careful to make sure there were no enemy satellites around, but I wasn't worried about an enemy plane coming in... Is this intentional? Like I said, it hasn't happened to me before this patch, but maybe that's just coincidence.
If it is in the turret's movement axis. Basically, air can be hit by tanks if landed, air is immune to other air if landed, some air can shoot air if THAT air is landed but the air in the sky can't shoot the grounded air I believe, air can shoot astraeus if in the air layer, avengers can't shoot the astraeus if in the air layer... One time I watched peregrines hit a firefly, their excess missiles trail down, hit the firefly's commander, and flash-fried him k0 good game... That's the kind of stuff we are talking about.
Ah, so when the Astraeus is in the air layer it can be it by AA then - makes sense I guess. It never happened to me before so I was a bit confused, but thanks for clearing it up.
Actually, the frickin AI loves the heck out of sniping your commander this way. I noticed in several games, that I either got sniped by a single t1 fighter after picking the commander up, or suddenly a t1 fighter doing a flyby at it's exact location a few seconds after it left. All I can say to this is : SCATHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS!!!!!!! Edit: And SORIAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!