Assualt vs Assualt in PMs

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by gorgamon, March 7, 2012.

  1. gorgamon

    gorgamon New Member

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    So Ive played assualt a few times recently in PMs and hope to play more in the future, but one area I struugle with is the assualt v assualt gameplay. I really have no idea when i should target him, how to go about attacking him and when i should pursue. Unless its all about simply pouring lead into his body to chase him off. All I usually do is toss a bomb in an area i think hell go and start bunnyhop shooting. Thnx for da help
  2. tomnumbers

    tomnumbers New Member

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    if he is going for your sniper or support and you are around, go for him. otherwise i would say dont bother.
  3. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    I rarely target the assault until I notice him targeting my sniper or support. It's really their job to call out when the assault is targeting them, and it's your job to get there and make it a 2v1 situation.

    A lot of times the sniper or gunner is causing a bigger threat to your lanes or map control. You want to focus on the sniper, but take away the support from the gunner. Both require good bomb placement.

    I can go in depth on how I play assault in PM's, but to answer you question.. don't make it a priority in terms of focus. When a teammate calls out the enemy assault or when you notice he's engaging your team's support/snipe, you should immediately try to make that save. The assault is going to try and use his mobility to sneak up and kill the support, weakening your map control. If you are able to keep your teammate alive then the support/snipe should be okay from any other players immediately focusing on them. Thus resulting in a great 6v5 with the enemy team loosing it's most versatile and mobile class.
  4. gorgamon

    gorgamon New Member

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    Then whose job is it to put pressure on the opposing assualt, when i was playing i had essentially free reign and noone seemed like they wanted to hassle with me. The sniper occasionally fired some shots my way and i had kickzi playing assualt harrassing me from time to time but that was about it. It seems like simply because the assualt is a mismatch for every class we leave him alone and that just seems wrong to me.
  5. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    It's pretty much the gunner or opposing assault's job. Outside of that, whoever is being chased should be able to back the assault off. Depending on how good the sniper or tank is, they can also back the assault away fairly easily. Depending on the skill level of the players in the match, assault can go from being the most dominant class to a support slayer.
  6. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    It is a bit of a mismatch since the assault has so many things at his disposal, and then can just fly away. Truth is, everyone has to put shots on everybody regardless of what your main focus is. I too have a lot of free reign as the assault and try to use that to be able to apply pressure than retreat to my teammates.

    Thats why I stress the fact that when the enemy assault is making it's way to kill the sniper/support, it's your job to go rescue them. Just a couple bullets will literally distract him enough to the point where he looses some focus. It's obviously best to kill him and even SOMETIMES worth the chase.

    a lot of the times if the assault is focusing on your support, it's up to the support/gunner combo to position themselves correctly and win that match up. It's a very easy match up but the problem is the assault will always look for a way to attack without the gunner noticing them. That's where calling out comes into play, and almost every call out deserves a response from the assault.

    really the best way to shut down an assaults game is to have an aware team that uses teamwork, but most importantly another good assault who knows how to ambush and cause # mismatches.
  7. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Playing assault is like a roll of duct tape. You can do a lot with it and fix almost any situation. Like a point guard or quarterback you have to see the entire game as it is developing and happening and make quick moves based on the situation. If the have a weak sniper but great assault focus attention on the assault. If it is a game changing gunner attack the support. You want to keep a steady harassment, you don't need to kill you need to annoy everyone and keep them on their heels instead on their toes. Listen and react to callouts, know how to use yourself as bait and know when to strike when a teammate takes the focus of a weaker target like dropping a bomb on an unsuspecting in scope sniper or shoot and charge a support that doesn't see you and his gunner is preoccupied. The assault is the ultimate opportunist so treat it as such and learn to identify and create those opportunities

    Tl;dr. Only focus on the assault if he is really killing your teams momentum with his play
  8. theyieldingram

    theyieldingram Member

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    Also, Gorgamon, what endorsement build do you use?
  9. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    My advice: Bomb and shoot him more than he bomb and shoots you.
  10. tomnumbers

    tomnumbers New Member

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  11. Organous

    Organous Member

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    Granted, I haven't had the opportunity to play in PMs lately, but based on what I've experienced against demonstrably good Assaults, it pretty much backs up what's been said. If it's head-to-head, it's obviously an even match and probably nobody will get it. Throw your bombs creatively according to what seems to be his best option and put some bullets in there. He'll likely do the same. One of you will end up escaping to good cover where it's not worth the other's time to pursue (usually), thus resulting in a draw. The only reliable way to take out opposing healthy Assaults is to surprise them while they're distracted on another target.
  12. gorgamon

    gorgamon New Member

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    I use rate of Fire, armor, then accuracy as my bronze yielding
  13. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    The funny this is that as soon as I read the caption, the guitar twang rung in my head.

    Now I'm humming the tune.

    Thanks, Tim.
  14. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    I try to keep myself within AR range, but out of charge range. I charge when they throw their bomb and mostly just just rely on my shot to take them out. The ting about assaults is that 90% will just jump around until they hit a bomb, most can't actually aim that well.
  15. Bobomb Bob

    Bobomb Bob New Member

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    Busted!! :p
  16. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    Press RT harder than your opponent does.
  17. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    This helps, pay attention to your dynamics and articulations.
  18. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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