Assault's bombs

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Spottedpanther, October 3, 2010.

  1. Spottedpanther

    Spottedpanther New Member

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    I don't understand why the bombs from the assault class don't blow up if you shoot them. It sucks to pinned down 'cause there's a bomb there.
  2. PhiyerBayse

    PhiyerBayse New Member

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    I agree. Same goes for the Sniper's traps. (Or can you shoot those?)
  3. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    The assault only gets one bomb the assassin gets 3 traps and if you factor in recharge the assault has 2 and the snipeer has 6 since the skill recharges after you throw it down. And if you hear the assaults bomb just go a different way i mean it beeps. Half the assaults i play with blow up there bomb too late anyways.

    As for the sniper every class has a way of taking them out or getting over them, or you can kill the sniper.

    So i say keep it how it is
  4. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Not exactly. If you have passive 3 as a sniper and throw down a fourth trap the first one will disappear.
  5. Red Shift

    Red Shift New Member

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    I wouldn't mind having Assault's bombs becoming destructable, just as long as they aren't so fragile that people will be shooting them out of the air before they land.

    But in all honesty, the bomb jumps up and down, beeps, and has a little blinking light... what more do you need for a warning signal?
  6. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    my point wasn't that you can just keep throwing them down it was that after one goes off you can throw a new one down for both the sniper and assault
  7. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    You definitely should be able to shoot them, same for traps. The bomb can be extremely annoying due to the fact that there is no way around a lvl 3 bomb without getting blown up.
  8. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    It's not about not being able to see them. On a map like LaseRazor a single bomb can lock down a pretty significant portion of the map. An ice trap you can see and get around, but a level 3 bomb has a much bigger radius.
  9. Cerberus150

    Cerberus150 New Member

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    I dont seem to have any problem with this. I find that most can be tricked into detonating at the wrong time. Or I just find an alternate path to surprise them if they are focused on the bomb.
  10. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I would like to see both shootable, just because it would add an extra dynamic to the game, especially if a shot trap/bomb could damage/trap the person that dropped it. Also, maybe then people would stop complaining about traps.

    I normally do the same as you, trick assaults into setting of their bomb to get around it, but that's something of an advanced tactic that you really can't expect a newer player to be able to pull off.
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i play assault and might be the reason for this topic, as i hide traps around corners on lazor razor and detonate them to fling people off the edge. i already have 155 ring outs.

    [EDIT] i thought you could detonate bombs by setting other bombs on top of it, but i looked up on wikia and it says it does NOT. i believe you can detonate ice traps with bombs though, can anyone else confirm this?

    anyhow, i also think the bomb should have a "health bar", but hopefully in good sense that it would be about as tough as a overhealed slim or a blackjack. i dont place my bombs where they can be shot or seen anyhow, as they flash and beep anyhow.

    could i also ask if its possible to make them quicker to detonate. im counting 23 head-crabs ive earned, but at least 4 didnt get a kill because it takes like 8 seconds before it allows you to detonate.

    and im terribly sorry for those i may have thrown 300 feet from the arena with my bombs. and the snipers and assassins i have mangled (they couldnt survive the blast to be flung).
  12. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    First, yes, anything that deal AoE damage can destroy an ice trap.

    Second, are you sure about the detonation time on the bomb? I haven't played much assault, but I'm fairly sure they can detonate them as soon as they touch the ground, if not before.
  13. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    sorry to post to an old and dead topic, but in case anyone ever reads this, i want it known that im an ***.

    more specifically, the bombs do show they can be detonated when they contact a surface, and in fact can be most the time. very rarely do you have to mash that blue button down like your trying to infinite dash.

    also, i wouldnt advise pressing the button rapidly anyway, as i found out you can detonate, throw another bomb down, and not realize you accidentally threw a bomb around, and mess your timing all up, and even blow yourself up. the game post-update keeps track of skill-uses pretty well on assualt/assassin.

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