Assault Tactics Discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by mrhthepie, August 12, 2010.

  1. mrhthepie

    mrhthepie New Member

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    I've become an assault player, so I want to share knowledge with anyone else who is too and get better. :) Here are my thoughts so far:

    Bombs are great against closely grouped enemies, especially bots who always walk around together and will obliviously walk over them. They push enemies outwards so carefully placed and timed ones can get ring outs quite often.

    Charge get much better at level 3 when it gets grapple. Upgraded, it is very useful in close quarters, and is a great anti assassin weapon, as long as you see them in front of you.

    Hover is good for manoeuvring without resorting to jump pads, and with good reactions you can avoid most ring outs. Also if you are hovering you can't be grappled, so it's a good idea to just jump and hover if you suspect an assassin is nearby (Thanks neutrino for this tip).

    Other than that, assault rules against most classes at medium range with the rifle. As Sargent Foley would say, aim down your sights!

    Anyone got ideas for the grenade launcher? I haven't worked out the best use for it yet.
  2. XShadowStormX

    XShadowStormX New Member

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    Pro Tip: The grenade launcher is your bread n' butter for taking out turrets and bouncing it off walls to hit people around the corner.
  3. Zombinos20

    Zombinos20 New Member

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    The grenade launcher actually becomes my primary weapon when I play assault, I've found him to be very fun. His launcher doesn't have a large curve to learn how to fire well so if you have your hover or bombs upgraded pulling out grenades and then hovering with your rifle has seen consistent carnage for me. Use it to fire around corners (as already mentioned), it has some nice bounce to it so lob some at the ground for nasty surprises, its pretty useful if you have to retreat, most classes can take your rifle barrage long enough to come for the kill but a hit to the face from your bomb changes their mind quick and lets you get to safety. All I've learned so far :D.
  4. Kamikaze

    Kamikaze New Member

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    I too use the bomb more often than the rifle. It seems to have a higher Damage Per Second (mainly at mid-to-long ranges) and the curve isn't much to deal with (especially if you frequent TF2). And the tips mentioned above are KEY to being good at assault. But something else that should be mentioned:

    If it's overtime and you're able to juice, try to get into the enemy base (if it's Steel Ball" take a side path) When you're in the base, juice it and pull out your nader, a single juice can take the cash ball down past 50%. though by the end you'll probably be dead if the turrets/pros haven't killed ya. Wash/Rinse/Repeat, and your team wins.
  5. DrSnaggletooths

    DrSnaggletooths Member

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    Yes. I love the GL. Reminds me of the Mortar from Tribes. I have mixed feelings about its use thus far though. The arc throws me off (as it's pretty straight) and its detonation time is fairly short ive found. I've been experimenting with some custom loadouts (and thus far the gun has been working better for me with a loadout I have than the mortar).

    I wish that the charge directionality was a little more "freeform". As in, that I could charge up and follow it up by flying. Could be a good hoverpoint.

    I personally go straight into charge/grapple for upgrades as I find it's one of the quickest ways to neutralize enemies.
    Last edited: August 12, 2010
  6. NakedSamurai

    NakedSamurai New Member

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    Charge is great as an offensive tool, obviously, but in my limited playing so far I've found it to be a pretty useful escape device, too.

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