Assault Endorsement Builds

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by zarakon, January 24, 2011.

  1. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    The assault seems to have a whole lot of options for interesting endorsement builds. What do you use, and why?

    Here's mine:

    Gold: RoF
    I feel like the AR doesn't do enough damage without it. Also makes the grenade launcher extremely powerful. With gold RoF the assault is actually pretty decent for taking down turrets.

    Silver: Armor
    My playstyle is a bit reckless. Unlike some other classes, I don't feel like armor is required on assault because of how much control he can have over positioning in a fight. It suits the way I play though.

    Bronze: Clip size
    I feel like this often makes the difference in killing a gunner or tank in a single AR clip. It also makes a big difference with the grenade launcher when juiced and targeting turrets.

    I actually like the default assault class too, though it forces me to play more carefully.
  2. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Been playin' roun with Gold Clip, Silver Armor and Bronze RoF. Takes longer for single-target engagements than Gold RoF but allows me to spam turrets recklessly on pub from the decks, they never notice.
  3. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Kill whoring against noobs:

    Gold Accuracy / RoF
    Silver RoF / Accuracy
    Bronze Clip Size

    Against competent enemies:
    Gold Armor
    Silver RoF
    Bronze Accuracy

    In highly competitive games:
    Gold Armor
    Silver Skill Recover
    Bronze Accuracy
  4. velo

    velo New Member

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    Hey jotun,
    I think I've run into you while you were using that build. Seemed pretty effective.

    Personally: I've found that I don't much like running Armor on Assault, at least with my current Assault play style. I don't really feel that it increases my survivability much, probably because I rely more on quickly moving around and getting the jump on people rather than constantly going head-to-head with Pros.

    Bronze Clip is a good choice imo. With it, I find that I can much more frequently kill high-health enemies in a single clip. I had a hard time choosing between that and Skill Recharge.

    Anyway, here's what I usually run:

    ---Gold Accuracy---
    This makes hip firing with the Assault Rifle much more effective, allowing you to stay mobile while firing on enemies that are more to the far side of the AR's *effective* range. It definitely takes some getting used to; when I first started using Gold Accuracy I actually started missing MORE.. reason being that you have to be more precise. The bullet stream does not "spray" very much; it's very concentrated.

    You'll probably have a harder time tracking moving targets, but you should be doing more damage when you're able to stay on them.

    The Grenade Launcher also becomes more reliable over range, as there is pretty much no sway when you lob them at your enemies. However I feel that this is really only useful if your enemy is on the high ground; I generally try to bank or "slide" grenades if there is a visible surface with which to do so.

    The only major downside of using Gold Accuracy IMO is that it becomes a bit difficult to hit fast players when they are right on top of you. Charge (2) will help with this, however.

    ---Silver Rate of Fire---
    Probably doesn't need much explanation. Silver still makes the Assault Rifle and Grenade Launcher quite powerful.

    You do have to be a little more cautious (than with Gold) when sneaking up on enemies, as there generally is a window for good, armored players to turn around and retaliate before you can take them out. This is especially true if you aren't using a clip size endorsement. Bomb helps with this.

    ---Bronze Skill Recharge---
    Mostly to use Bomb more frequently.

    Also Charge.. generally for mobility rather than actually damaging someone. Even though I use Charge to move around really frequently, it recharges fast enough with Bronze that it's generally up when I need it in combat.
  5. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I've thought about accuracy, but I think RoF is a better choice.

    Numbers aren't accurate I'm sure, just there to convey the concept

    Imagine that with no accuracy, you hit 70% of your shots. With gold you hit 100%.
    With no RoF, you fire 10 bullets in a second. With gold RoF you fire 14.
    So with gold accuracy, you hit with 10. With gold RoF, you hit with (14 * .7) = 9.8.

    Again, I just made those numbers up, but RoF seems like it can increase your med-long range damage about as much as accuracy can. You gain even more damage at close range, and you can still abuse the large spray area when you don't aim perfectly. RoF is also far more useful for the GL than accuracy. The downside is that you burn through a clip faster.
  6. velo

    velo New Member

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    I do run RoF, just happen to have it in Silver. Having played with a good number of Assault builds, I really would not recommend taking Gold Acc without Silver RoF.

    I used to switch out my Gold/Silver frequently. When I first started playing, I mostly ran RoF, Accuracy, Clip. The more I play with this Accuracy build, though, the more I like it. Currently, the main thing I really miss about Gold RoF is the slightly better Grenade Launcher.

    With the Assault Rifle, the only time I feel that Gold RoF/Silv Acc outperfroms Gold Acc/Silv RoF is at really close range, which I generally try to avoid anyway (given that I have the durability of wet paper.)

    Running Silver Armor and Bronze Clip, Gold RoF is clearly the best choice.
  7. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    I'll need to earn all my customs back, but in the beta I ran a Gold RoF, Silver accuracy and bronze clip size, and it was a hard hitter.

    The gold RoF and silver accuracy really let me shred things up to mid range without problems, and lvl 2 charge makes up for the lack of "shotgunning" on assassins.

    And yeah, Gold RoF is essentially a must for assault, with the only other possible option being gold Armor... But honestly that's the same for every class isn't it?
  8. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    I use gold RoF, silver armor and bronze accuracy, seems pretty efficient.
  9. Statement

    Statement New Member

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    I'm in the rof/acc/clip boat, love this setup to death.
  10. CrancK

    CrancK New Member

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    gold: Armor/ROF
    silver: ROF/Armor
    bronze: Skill Regen

    gold armor if i'm gonna bomb jump alot (grenade3, spunky, lazerazor),
    silver on the other maps, since steel peel the only usefull bombjump is from base to side or on lvl3 bomb from base to base, but usually steel peel has too many turrets and enemies in base,
    and ammo mule is too open, people spot you too easily if you bomb jump

    (the rof for general killing power, and the skill regen for bombjumping + charge whenever i need it)
  11. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

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    Rof // Accuracy // Armor
    (Armor and Accuracy could be switched around)

    I've tried Skill//Armor//Rof, but I don't really like it. The AR and 'Nade launcher feel weak. Perhaps Rof//Skill//Armor would work, though I really like having Accuracy.
  12. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Its the best. That's why.
  13. velo

    velo New Member

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    So I just went back to RoF/Acc/Skill Recharge.

    I'm going to recant my previous claim about damage with Gold Accuracy over longer distances. After some more testing, Gold RoF still outdoes Gold Accuracy by a little, ESPECIALLY if you utilize ADS.

    I think I've settled on this build.

    Accuracy could probably use a buff.. maybe it should extend a weapon's effective range, as I've seen suggested elsewhere. The only class where it's worthwhile to use in Gold is Gunner, imo.
  14. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    For gunner I typically run clip/acc/rof, though my skill as a gunner is questionable.
    I'd have more clout if I could actually get the chance to play some crossfire. It seems that all the people I had on my friends list that play blitz now want me to host for them(and some of them are terrible). I am beginning to tire of sudden death.
  15. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    I've been playing around with some builds on the pc and after reading this thread last night decided to try a few matches with gold crit, silver accuracy and bronze fire rate. His crits became really strong especially grenades taking out turrets, when juiced I was draining that moneyball health like nobody's business but as someone who usually uses bronze or silver skill regen I missed throwing bombs often. Damage over range with the rifle was good too as long as I was critting, felt like double per bullet at range, still not great but better then the 7 damage each bullet will do over max distance.

    It's a fun build but not one I would keep with, right now my assault runs firerate, skill regen, accuracy but I am playing around mixing up accuracy with crit and dropping regen to bronze, nothing feels too comftable with me right now.
  16. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Skill regen is best at bronze for the assault, I spam bombs plenty. I run gold health, silver acc, bronze skill regen. It's okay, considering switching acc for something else, though. Probably the only class I use gold hp on consistently.
  17. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    I don't think this is necessarily true. While the increased accuracy is nice, I do not believe it is actually necessary. I've been having a lot of luck with Armor/RoF/Clip size lately. While you can't snipe at people as easily, the greater health means you can survive more fights and stay in the action longer.
  18. azure

    azure Member

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    I know it's unconventional, but I've been having great luck with

    Skill Regen / Rate of Fire / Health Regen

    Skill regen because of the sheer speed I can get a L3 Bomb back - great for soloing Moneyballs, or Bomb-jumping and having one back before you touch the ground.
    ROF because it is pretty much an Assault staple.
    Health regen for escaping and being able to get back into the action fast.

    Not necessarily a reccommended set, but it was the one I got my 25 pub win streak with. Just sayin'.
  19. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    sounds fun, a lot of hit-and-run potential with how quickly your charge could move you around
  20. Nerfed

    Nerfed New Member

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    I see an awful lot of people who slap the gold rate of fire endorsement on, just for the assault rifle. In case you're doing that, just swap whatever you have for the silver endorsement to gold, because the difference is almost unnoticeably small, according to a few sources and I myself don't really notice a difference either.

    Ammo Mule, Dr. Trigger, Survivatol.

    Just wondering with the health regen endorsements; do they decrease the time it takes for health regen to kick in (about 5 seconds without a regen endorsement), do they increase the speed of health regen, or both?

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